Force Of Nature - Earth Guide + Giveaway

Greetings everybody, I hope you are all having an amazing day! Today I wanted to give you guys some tips on one of the stronger decks in the modern format, the earth deck. It is definitely the deck that I play the most in Splinterlands and for good reason! It is in my opinion the most versatile deck and one in which you can use the most cards given any of the situations you may find yourself in. Let's just jump right into it and let me introduce you to some of these amazing monsters!
Unicorn Mustang
Let's start with one of my preferred tanks in the game with the very reliable Unicorn Mustang. The Unicorn Mustang is a rare from the untamed set that costs 8 mana for 3 attack, 4 speed, and 10 hp. He comes equipped with the void ability reducing all incoming magic damage. In a very heavy magic meta the Unicorn Mustang really shines. Not only does he have an amazing ability, but his stats are absolutely out of this world! In the right situation and with the right support the Unicorn Mustang can become absolutely unkillable. His 3 attack is nothing to sneeze at either so he is always ready to constantly deal out a huge chunk of damage.
Mycelic Slipspawn
Another great tank from the earth deck is the Mycelic Slipspawn. The Mycelic Slipspawn is a rare from the Chaos Legion set that costs 9 mana for 2 magic damage, 2 speed, and just like the Unicorn Mustang, a massive 10 hp. He is equipped with the taunt ability drawing in all of the enemies fire. He is an ideal tank in a lower mana match where you can abuse all of your magic dealing monsters. He provides excellent value upfront if you're expecting a lot of sneak/snipe/opportunity creatures.
Regal Peryton
A monster that can absolutely not be ignored from the earth deck is Regal Peryton, and not only because of his crazy majestic artwork. Regal Peryton is a 5 cost, 1 magic damage, 5 speed, 6 hp deer bird. He has the flying ability making him a very hard target to hit paired with his swift 5 speed. If you're running a magic line-up with Obsidian you absolutely have to play this card. There are very few 5 cost cards in the game that provide as much value as this guy.
Goblin Psychic
One of the most amazing support cards from the Chaos Legion set is the Goblin Psychic. The Goblin Psychic is a 6 cost card that has 2 magic attack, 1 speed, and 3 hp. He has the tank heal ability. With a lot of earth cards having a high hp pool the Goblin Psychic's tank heal is very well put to use with a lot of different cards. Not only is he a solid healer but paired with Obsidian he's is a 3 magic damage card for 6 mana and that's nothing to be overlooked. It is very easy to fit him into a lot of lineups as long as the mana permits.
Mycelic Infantry
A card that is often overlooked from the Chaos Legion set is the Mycelic Infantry. He is an 8 cost card with 3 damage, 1 speed, 7 hp, and 3 armor. He has the shield ability reducing damage from all melee and ranged attacks. If you're expecting little to no magic damage from the opposition then the Mycelic Infantry is an ideal choice. Equipped with the previously mentioned Goblin Psychic or the Scavo Hireling he has the potential to survive a whole match.
Queen Mycelia
The showstopper of the Chaos Legion set has to be Queen Mycelia herself. With a few cards named after her you knew she'd be good. She is a 4 cost, 1 magic damage, 1 speed, and 4 hp royal pain in the butt. She has the protect ability giving all friendly units 2 armor. She gives a deck that already has a ton of survivability even more and its almost absurd. Given her great support ability and the fact she can get up to 2 attack with Obsidian all for the small cost of 4 mana she may be the best card in the Chaos Legion set so far.
Mitica Headhunter
One of the best offensive units for the Earth Deck is the Mitica Headhunter. For 8 mana the Mitica Headhunter provides 4 ranged attack, accompanied with 5 speed and 5 hp. The Mitica Headhunter also has the snare ability bringing flying creatures crashing the the ground. If you can position Mitica to survive then it has the potential to steal the show and absolutely decimate the opposing team.
The last guy I want to highlight is a boss monster of the earth deck; Grund. He is a 10 cost, 3 damage, 3 speed, 10 hp beast. He is equipped with the double strike ability allowing him to attack twice each turn. He is not a use every game type of card but there are many rulesets he can fit into. I urge you to experiment with this card because he is a lot of fun and actually quite good. I'll give you a hint, anything that let's him attack outside of the first slot or the blast ability rulesets are probably the best for him.

This is the conclusion to my earth guide and I'd like to thank everybody for reading it. It is truly one of if not the best deck of the Chaos Legion and it is very fun to play. The versatility that it brings is also another aspect that will keep you coming back to it with new strategies repeatedly.

I'd like to thank all the entrants of my last giveaway and congratulate @luizeba for winning the venari crystalsmith giveaway!

Today with the earth guide I will be giving away a rare venari seedsmith! To enter please like the post and leave a comment down below! Please be careful to like the post as a comment and no like is not sufficient for an entry.

Thank you everybody and I wish you all have a Splinterific day!

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