
[EN - PT/BR]

Hello, everyone! 😄

For the Battle Mage Secrets of this week let's talk about the Briar Patch ruleset considering Gold league + Modern format!

Olá pessoal! 😄

Para os segredos do Battle Mage desta semana, vamos falar sobre o conjunto de regras Espinheiro considerando a liga Ouro + Formato Moderno!




Ruleset/Conjunto de Regras: All monsters have the Thorns ability. (Todos os monstros possuem a habilidade Espinhos).

Best Summoners/Melhores Invocadores: Conqueror Jacek, Yodin Zaku, Kelya Frendul, Quix The Devious, Ilthain, Fernheart and Grandmaster Rathe. Basically you don't want to use summoners that are focused on melee or are redundant (Mylor Crowling), such as Tarsa, Camila Sungazer and Possibilus The Wise.

Best Monsters for each element/Melhores monstros para cada elemento

Fire/Fogo 🔥: Venari Heatsmith, Ash Mirage (good to counter ranged and won't be affected by Return Fire due to his Reflection Shield), Living Lava (monsters with Shield in general, so the Thorns will deal only one damage), Tinderlock (counters magic with Silence)

Water/Água 🐳: Tide Biter (perfect for this ruleset with his Reflection Shield), Baakjira (awesome tank), Axe Master, Merdaali Guardian (you can use a melee and she can keep repairing the armor + heal), Djinn Oshannus and Wave Brood.

Earth/Terra 🌿: Failed Summoner (for only two mana is a big trouble for magic monsters, especially if you add Amplify with Queen Mycelia), Goblin Psychic, Uloth Dhampir and Runemancer Florre.

Life/Vida 🌟: Pelacor Conjurer (same logic as Failed Summoner), Warrior of Peace, Time Meddler, Shieldbearer (Shield ability), Time Mage (Rust ability), Light Elemental (Headwinds) and Adelade Brightwing.

Death/Morte 👻: Lira the Dark, Dhampir Stalker, Queen of Crows, Riftwing (Headwinds), Magi Necrosi, Djinn Muirat, Kain Hace (Reflection Shield) and Harklaw (Shield).

Dragon/Dragão 🐲: Naga Brute, Naga Assassin, Dragon Spirit/Void Dragon (Good tanks), Runic Skyclaw (Reflection Shield), Chaos Dragon, Oshuur Constantia and Carnage Titan (Shield).

Neutral/Neutro ⚔️: Almo Cambio, Supply Runner, Chaos Agent, Tower Griffin, Elven Mystic (Silence), Dr. Blight.


the battle.png

I picked a ranked battle in Gold league + Modern format. The rules were: Super Sneak, Briar Patch and Reverse Speed + 53 Mana Cap.

Captura de tela 2023-04-06 084601.jpg

Battle Link (Click Here!)

About the Strategy

Super Sneak + Briar Patch it is a weird combination, so I built my strategy to counter magic (Void) and Melee just in case my opponent sneaks me with Mycelic Infantry. Not only that, I need monsters with low Speed, so Earth was perfect for the job!

Immortalis (Summoner): if my opponent can't use many melee monsters, it is very likely to use magic since they have low speed, so Void ability is perfect!

Legionnaire Alvar: since I'm expecting magic and ranged damage, his Void armor and low speed makes him a great tank!

Spirit Hoarder: Great support monster to heal the 5th-6th position with Triage and also Blind the enemy.

Uloth Dhampir: good damage dealer with Stun ability and can also heal Mycelic Infantry with Triage!

Ancient Redwood + Goblin Tower: with only 1 Speed and high damage they are very powerful in this ruleset!

Mycelic Infantry: he also has only 1 Speed + strong attack power of 5!

The Battle

We can see that my opponent made a mistake with the summoner choice, in Reverse Speed it is the same as picking a monster with Slow to make your own team slower! And he did that twice adding Baakjira!

Podemos ver que meu oponente errou na escolha do invocador, em Velocidade Reversa ​​é o mesmo que escolher um monstro com Devagar para deixar seu próprio time mais lento! E ele fez isso duas vezes adicionando Baakjira!


Shattered ability was very useful, it took down Diemonshark 7 points of armor in one hit!

And my ranged monsters hit really hard on Baakjira and killed him before he could heal or receive heal from Merdaali Guardian!

In the end of round 1 Diemonshark received repair, so Mycelic Infantry attacked only to destroy his armor again. But my ranged monsters kept hitting hard and killed Legionnaire Alvar.

In round 3 my whole team was alive, while my opponent was outnumbered with only 3 monsters.

Conclusion: his lineup wasn't bad adding a tank heal+repair and some strong monsters, however, it was a big mistake to add speed with his summoner and slow down the enemy with Slow (in this case speed up the opponent). So, always pay close attention for these details!

So, I'll end this post with two quotes

The small details are always the most important. - Sherlock Holmes

If we look at life in its little details, it all looks pretty ridiculous. It's like a drop of water seen under a microscope, a single drop full of protozoa. We find it very funny how they fuss and fight each other so much. Here, in the short span of human life, this feverish activity produces a comic effect. - Schopenhauer

A habilidade Estilhaçar foi muito útil, destruiu os 7 pontos de armadura do Diemonshark em um único golpe!

E meus monstros de longo alcance atingiram Baakjira com muita força e o mataram antes que ele pudesse curar ou receber cura do Guardião Merdaali!

No final da primeira rodada, Diemonshark recebeu reparo, então a Infantaria Mycelic atacou apenas para destruir sua armadura novamente. Mas meus monstros de longo alcance continuaram batendo forte e mataram o Legionário Alvar.

Na rodada 3, todo o meu time estava vivo, enquanto meu oponente estava em menor número com apenas 3 monstros.

Conclusão: sua formação não foi ruim adicionando um tanque de cura+reparo e alguns monstros fortes, no entanto, foi um grande erro adicionar velocidade com seu invocador e desacelerar o inimigo com Slow (neste caso, acelerar o adversário). Então, sempre preste muita atenção nesses detalhes!

Portanto, vou terminar esse post com duas citações!

Os pequenos detalhes são sempre os mais importantes. - Sherlock Holmes

Se olharmos a vida em seus pequenos detalhes, tudo parece bem ridículo. É como uma gota d`água vista num microscópio, uma só gota cheia de protozoários. Achamos muita graça como eles se agitam e lutam tanto entre si. Aqui, no curto período da vida humana, essa atividade febril produz um efeito cômico. - Schopenhauer


Well, I hope you all enjoyed this battle and tips to improve your game.

If you want to start playing Splinterlands, please use my referral link by clicking here!

Thanks for reading!

Bom, espero que todos tenham gostado desta batalha e dicas para melhorar o seu jogo.

Se quiser começar a jogar Splinterlands, por favor use meu link de referência clicando aqui!!

Obrigado por ler!


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