Unleash the Power of Bloodlust!




Grum Flameblade! Who hasn´t heard that name? We all know grum as a big beefy tank. Can take a lot of punishment, before he is defeated. He also packs a punch with that 4 melee damage flameblade. He only has 1 major weakness: SPEED!



The Arrival of Jacek:

With the coming of Conquerer Jacek, Grum Flameblade may be making a comeback. Jacek is the legendary fire summoner of chaos legion. What Jacek brings to the table is incredible:

  • The +2 speed is huge! Many of us are familiar with the speed meta, so this should definitely get you exited!
  • The piercing ability is a game changer! With playing Tarsa, for example, you would always struggle against teams with armor. Now u can smash through that armor like butter!
  • The Scattershot ability can be good with blast rulesets, or counter a taunt monster. Although it does leave your ranged attackers a bit unfocused.



Unleash the Grum:

If you are putting the things together, you know where we are going. We are going to combine Jacek with Grum!
I mean think about it. Grum Flameblade with 3 speed, which is decent speed. 4 melee attack with piercing, what means that if you are facing an armored monster, you will smash right through that armor!
But, if Grum is on the frontline, he still is very vulnerable in the beginning of the battle. We don't want that. We want to give Grum the time to snowball into an unstoppable machine! That's why there are certain rulesets that are best to use him in. You can even use him in a lower mana battle to surprise your opponent!

Equal opportunity (1).png

Example Battles:

In this first setup, The ruleset was equal opportunity. I placed Grum in the back with low mana meat shields in front of him. The Ant Miners is a great choice because of the scavenger ability. The beauty of those low mana matches is that there can be a lot of squishy monsters. That's what Grum feeds on!
Link to battle:



This second example is a high mana match. It's way more difficult to get kills with Grum, but he still is very reliable in those situations. Actually now I look at it, I should have switched places with the forgotten one. So that he had more time to survive to get some kills. "Man, don't you just love to see those bloodlust kills"? It just pleases my gamer eyes to see him improve his stats after a kill.
In the end it the positioning worked out fine, and Grum got some nice kills!
Link to battle:



Final Thoughts:

It really is fun to pair Grum with Jacek. As I said before, "don't you just love those bloodlust kills"? In the end it's all about having a good time. When you have a good time, good things will come to you. When you focus too much attention on winning and rewards, you lose sight of the pleasure, in just enjoying the moment.
So I say, place your Grum in rulesets where he strives, maybe put the speed on double (instead of triple) and enjoy racking up those kills!

Do you have a Grum Flameblade? Do you use him often? Let me know in the comments!

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