Tournament report: Poseidar Wild Silver Invitational. Winning 115 SPS!

Hey everyone!,

I regularly join tournaments, especially when there aren't a lot of people joining. That makes the chance of winning lots of SPS bigger! Most of the time this tournament is full of players. This time though, there were only 70! So I immediately joined!. With great succes!


35th place of 70, so middle of the pack. That's mostly my outcome in tournaments, because I do not own any of the Untamed legenrdary summoners. My time will come when I collect all the Legendary summoners for Chaos Legion!

Do you participate in tournaments? Have you won big in any tournament? Let me know in the comments.

Conratulations to the winners!
1st Place @teejays Immortal Gods
2nd Place @byzantinist Summoner's Tribe
3rd Place @bobcatg The Anti Social Club

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