Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge - Equal Opportunity


Winning an Equal Opportunity battle

RULESET: Equal Opportunity


Description: All units gain the Opportunity ability which allows them to attack the unit with the lowest health on the enemy team.

This is another ruleset that I still have yet to get accustomed to or find the best strategies to form my lineup.

The Strategy


For battles with the equal opportunity, one of the abilities I try to take advantage of is the martyr ability. However, having a gold Fungus Flinger is really something I'm not looking for in this type of battles, and I'm currently stuck with it at level 3.

Looking at the battles ruleset, it's combined with holy protection which basically means the first hit on monsters won't do them any damage, no matter how big the damage may be.

As for the active elements, we have fire, water, earth, and death. As always, my inclination is always towards earth whenever it's active. I know this makes our gameplay predictable, but it's what I'm accustomed to right now.

Since it's a mid-mana battle with 26, we also need to be selective with the monsters to use.

The Summoner


Since we're not sure what attacks our opponent will be using, let's lean towards a summoner that has anti-melee abilities, particularly thorn for melee damages. The reason for this is we'll be using Queen Mycelia's Protect ability to shield against melee and range attacks, combining it with thorn is a good combination if we expect melee attacks.

1st Slot - Self Heal Monster Flesh Golem

One of the toughest melee monsters I've encountered and use with it's heal ability. Combined with martyr (once it's triggered) is a tough monster to take down. Although the battles has the equal opportunity, it won't be using it at tank.

2nd Slot - Martyr Monster Fungus Flinger

As I've already mentioned in the strategy section, having this monster at level 3 is something I'm stuck with. This monster, which has 4 health at level 3, is something I'm not looking for in this type of battles but is something I'm stuck with.

Let's see if its martyr ability gets triggered in this battle.

3rd Slot - Protective Monster Queen Mycelia

A legendary monster I hope to use at level 2. Having its amplify ability can sometime make the difference when you're expecting mostly magic attacks. For now, having it's protect ability at level 1 is enough.

4th Slot - Scattershot Acid Shooter

A low mana monster that I'm hoping gets attacked first for it's 3 health. To help protect Mushroom Seer from being attacked first with it's 3 health as well, I opted to put this monster at 4th slot.

5th Slot - Magic Silencer Mushroom Seer

Having this monster at level 5 gives it the poison ability which gives the opponent automatic 2 damage at the start of every round after the monster gets poisoned. However, rare monsters at level 5 need higher level of summoners. Mylor Crowling at level 3 can only summon rare monsters up to level 3.

6th Slot - Camouflaged Monster Djinn Biljka


I only realized now that it has the first name with another legendary water monster Djinn Oshannus. Having Djinn Biljka's camouflage ability prevents monsters from attacking it unless it's in the first or tank position. I rarely use or take this ability in consideration, but one of the interesting battles I remember encountering was the camouflage ability applied to all monsters and I was forced to attack only the monster at tank.

This completes our lineup.

The Battle


After buffs and debuffs applied:


Looking at the opponent's lineup, the first that caught my eye was Quora Towershed. I'm already curious how this battle pans out. As long as its bloodlust ability doesn't get triggered, I think it'll be fine.

End of Round 1


As planned, Acid Shooter received all the initial attacks and got taken down at first round. We also were able to anticipate well the opponent's melee damage attacks and was able to put down two of their monsters at first round despite the monsters having the divine shield ability.

Luckily, Quora Towershead's bloodlust wasnt triggered, and Mushroom Seer's silence reduced its magic damage to 1.

Let's see how Round 2 goes.

End of Round 2


Because the opponent's lineup used melee attacks, our summoner's thorn ability took down these melee monsters in the second round.

The opponent however was able to take down Mushroom Seer, as such Quora's magic damage is back at two. Quora has heal ability against our lineup's total damage of 7 compared to Quora's 4.

Let's see how Round 3 goes.

End of Round 3


Quora's heal maxed its health to 11 at the start of the third round. And since Flesh Golem still hasn't received any initial damage, its divine shield was still intact and Quora's magic attack took it down while its melee attack destroyed Flesh Golemn's armor. A nice combination of protection against Quora's dual attack. Luckily, we were able to do significant damage and took down its health to 2.

Let's see how round 4 goes.

End of Round 4


Quora self-healed it health up to 5 health, dealt 2 magic and 2 melee damage to Flesh Golemn. However, given that it was a melee attack, it got hit back by 2 thorn damage. Flesh Golemn self-healed to 8, and dealt the final blow to Quora's remaining 3 health.

Although Fungus Flinger's martyr ability wasn't triggered in this battle as planned, we did however get the victory.

Battle Result

We get a nice +14 boost to ranking and 0.186 SPS to our SPS HODL stash!


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