Using magic to beat odd ones out ruleset challenge

Odd Ones Out Challenge.png


Hey guys, here is my post where I spend some time talking about a recent battle for the splinterlands weekly challenge, I have recently returned from a long break and have been getting back into the grove again, previously a bronze league player I am now renting cards to compete in modern silver/gold level.


The challenge posted by SPLINTERLANDS is to use showcase the ruleset Odd Ones out, a ruleset that limits the match up to only odd mana cost units, the match was further handicaped by the ruleset no melee units.

    Splinters selection and ruleset
  • The rulesets available was Odd ones out (therefor only units with odd mana costs may be used) and keep your distance (preventing melee units from being used)
  • The splinters available were water, death and dragon. I have started renting dragon units but don't have higher level rentals yet, I also have played a lot of water I know how strong it can be with the strong magic users. With that in mind I decided to use death for the Djinn Muirat magic reflect
  • I then had to pick from range or magic, range units I am limited as I don't rent a lot of ranged units in DEATH, so ultimately I decided to put more magic users into my team


The mana pool for the fight was 29 and in silver 1/gold 3 region, having reached it last season I expect to fight max level splinters.


I decided to try my strategy of using DJINN MUIRAT as a tank and put the few units remaining behind, hoping to use Djinn against their magic lineup.
Position 1
I used BARASHKUKOR after my tank as he is fast, has good magic damage and has the life leach ability to hopefully gain some HP before replacing DJINN MUIRAT as our tank
Position 2
Finally I added LIFE SAPPER who has some good speed as well, and has life leach and redemption, I was hoping he would gain enough HP but also has a way to do some damage to the enemy if he dies.

Odd ones out Battle.png

Battle Result

The battle was finished within 2 rounds with DJINN MUIRAT’s magic reflect doing good work on the enemy’s units, and his giant killer ability triggering on the enemies RUNEMANCER KYE was very nice. BARASHKUKOR with his high magic damage was able to quickly dispatch the enemies as well.

Battle Result.png

A good result, 20 rating points, 99 glint and 1.456 SPS for the win


In summary I was happy with my lineup, I am glad I was not renting the DHAMPIR STALKER and LIRA THE DARK as I probably would of put the 2 of them in instead of BARASHKUKOR, but in general I think the enemy team wasn't a good match up against us.

Any comments or feedback on my strategy, tips for new players or re-blogging is appreciated.

You can watch the full battle here

All images rights belong to splinterlands

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