Olivia of the brook spotlight

Splinterlands Engagement Post: Olivia of the Brook

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Welcome back, Summoners! I'm @easilykilled, and today I would like to make a post to highlight 1 of the recent arrivals to our spellbook's within the thrilling world of Splinterlands. This week, our submission for the community engagement post is Olivia. So, grab your spellbook and let's get started!



Hey guys, today I'm going to be talking about Oliva the new Rebellion reward card that is available and available for the life splinter.

Oliva and her companion Cloudy have some great artwork that the splinterlands team has given us as well as a backstory that inspires the rebellion -


Personally I think this card is going to be very popular in the coming months, thanks to a new ability that was introduced with her.

With Olivia also only being an epic card I think it will be much easier for people to get her and add her to their teams.


First lets look at what she will bring as a max level card

Stats :

  • She has a 6 mana cost
  • Magic (1) and Melee (2) damage
  • Speed of 3
  • 1 Shield and 6 Health

Abilities :

  • Opportunity
  • Mimic
  • Reflection Shield

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A closer look at her 3 abilities

  • Opportunity: Units with the Opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy Unit with the lowest health.

  • Mimic (Which she unlocks at level 2): At the beginning of round 2 and each following round, gain a random ability from the enemy team. 25% chance to gain a random ability from an attacker when hit. Dispel removes one mimicked ability in the order they were gained. Debilitations, Targeting abilities, Ambush, Weapons Training, Flank, Reach, Charge, and Taunt cannot be mimicked.

  • Reflection Shield (Which she unlocks at level 6): This Unit doesn't take damage from Blast, Magic Reflect, Thorns, or Return Fire.

What this means is that Olivia will be able to target the lower health enemy units in battle and will be safe from magic reflect and and thrones (2 abilities that could have otherwise killed her before her mimic ability has time to ramp up).

After surviving the first round Olivia really starts to shine as her mimic ability lets her start stealing all the abilities the enemy brought to the field.
Olivia of the Brook Stats.png


I think Olivia's new mimic ability is op, I have been lucky not to face her too many times and the few times I have gone up against her she has still been low level and without the mimic ability.

You will see more and more post's and meme's about how many abilities she was able to get in a battle I am sure 😅

I myself do not own her yet, however I have been able to play with her thanks to the weekly ghost card tournaments presented by @bunsbagsandcaps and @ehmaywuntee every week.


The Match Ruleset

This match challenge had mana cap of 34 with the following rulesets: Reverse Speed, Blood and Sunder and Up Close and Personal. Here's a quick rundown about the ruleset and what splinters were available:


  • Reverse Speed: Units with lower speeds will attack before units with higher speeds. Attack Accuracy based on speed will also be reversed.
  • Blood and Sunder: All units have Corrosive Ward.
  • Up Close and Personal: Only units with melee attacks can be used.
  • Splinters available: Fire| Life | Death | Dragon

Keep in mind that with a ghost card tournament players have access to all cards setup by the host, so in this case gold league and modern sets.


My Team

For this battle, I decided to go with the life lineup, a big consideration in this match is the ruleset of up close and personal, in my mind the best option is to try find some duel attack type monsters if possible and potentially using demoralize units to lower the enemies melee damage. Here's a breakdown of my team:

  • [Eternal Tofu]: Our earth/life summoner, providing +2 HP and the snare and thorns abilities to all our units
  • [Disintegrator]: Disintegrator is our tank at the start of the battle, they have Demoralize, trample and knockout abilities
  • [Runi]: Runi is in the 2nd spot, a very strong legendary unit with opportunity, rebirth, true strike, and reflection shield, he can easily become our 2nd tank.
  • [Halfling Refugee]: We put our Halfling Refugee next, they are a cheap 1 cost unit that I added as another unit of protection.
  • [Olivia of the Brook]: We have Olivia next the star of the show for us.
  • [Ulundin Regulator]: We added an Ulundin Regulator to our team, they have opportunity to target the weak enemies units.
  • [Celestial Harpy]: Celestial Harpy is our last minion, they also have opportunity to target the weak enemies units.

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Opponent's Team

Now, let's take a look at my opponent's team. They went with a lineup that used the same life splinter as us Eternal Tofu. Here's what I was up against:

  • [Eternal Tofu]: Their earth/life summoner, providing +2 HP and the snare and thorns abilities to all our units
  • [Inevitable]: My opponent used Inevitable as his tank, a high HP tank with a some strong abilities of Immunity, Triage, Shield and Armor repair making him a very strong tank option.
  • [Runi]: Runi is his 2nd spot unit as well 😅, a very strong legendary unit with opportunity, rebirth, true strike, and reflection shield, he can easily become his 2nd tank.
  • [Uraeus]: He used a Uraeus, a strong sneaking unit that also has poison.
  • [Disintegrator]: Disintegrator is used by my opponent, they have Demoralize, trample and knockout abilities
  • [Soul Fiend]: Finally our opponent used a soul fiend to protect his backline.

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My opponent strategy was very good with a strong poison dealer and Disintegrator further in his backline, which lowers my melee units damage, while he could try target my front and backlines at the same time, all behind a good tank. He placed the tofu triage and scavenge abilities on his Runi.

My strategy with the rulesets in this match was to survive the onslaught as much as possible and try to target his low health units, I placed the tofu triage and scavenge abilities on my Olivia.
I actually was upset with my lineup and think I could of placed the Halfling Refugee as my tank to protect the Disintegrator a little bit more and try get the most out of the Refugees before his weary ability does to much on him.

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In Round 1 we were able to kill his soul fiend, however he was able to place poison on our harpy.

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In Round 2 we start with Olivia's mimic ability gaining trample, we lose our harpy but are able to kill his Uraeus.

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In Round 3 we start with Olivia's mimic ability gaining rebirth.

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In Round 4 we start with Olivia's mimic ability gaining reflection shield (this is great because she has almost died multiple times to thorns and opportunity) we do lose our tank though.

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In Round 5 we start with Olivia's mimic ability gaining the shield ability, we lose our Ulundin Regulator.

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In Round 6 we start with Olivia's mimic ability gaining knock out.

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In Round 7 we start with Olivia's mimic ability gaining immunity, we lose our runi at this stage as well.

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In Round 8 we start with Olivia's mimic ability gaining demoralize.

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In Round 9 we start with Olivia's mimic ability gaining true strike, we also finally kill his tank.

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In Round 12 we are down to only Olivia, as all allies are now dead and we can see from then onwards we are doing more damage to our opponent and its just a matter of time before we win.

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Watch the battle here


Olivia was definitely the MVP for this match, we can see that over the course of the match she was able to gain the following abilities from our enemy trample, rebirth, reflection shield, shield, knock out, immunity, demoralize and true strike.




I think we can see in the match that Olivia is a bit vulnerable until she gets reflection shield, so more protection or a taunt to keep focus off her in the early stages are crucial.



This week's challenge of highlighting a new card in the game a blast, I was very glad for the ghost card tournament which allowed me to use some cards I do not own and to showcase my battle.

If you enjoyed this post, be sure to follow me for future Splinterlands challenges. Also, feel free to share your own strategies and outcomes in the comments below!

Until next time, keep battling, keep grinding, keep growing!

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