Goblin Tower: Fanart and an Anecdote

Goblin Tower: Fanart and an Anecdote


A week ago I was looking for ideas for my entry to the next splinterlands fanart contest I wanted to make an isometric pixelart design looking through the cards I found the goblin tower I didn't pay much attention to his biography and I decided to make a tower and animate how it moved but With the arrival of ideas and the desire to improve, I ended up making a more elaborate drawing with a landscape and more.

But these last few days watching the invasion of Ukraine I see the parallelism of the goblins building these towers and equipping them with everything they had to defend their home from an enemy that is clearly more powerful than the Chaos Legion. The biography ends with this:

"As the sun set and the legions of chaos closed the distance, a war cry rose from within the Goblin Towers. They would fight to the last moment in defense of their home."

hace una semana estaba buscando ideas para mi entrada al proximo concurso de fanart de splinterlands queria hacer un diseño pixelart isometrico buscando entre las cartas encontre la torre goblin no le preste mucha atencion a su biografia y me propuse hacer una torre y animar como se movia pero con la llegada de ideas y las ganas de mejorar termine haciendo un dibujo mas elaborado con un paisaje y mas cosas.

pero estos ultimos dias viendo la invasion de ucrania veo el paralelismo de los goblins armando estan torres y equipando con todo lo que tenian para defender su hogar de un enemigo a todas luz mas poderoso como es la Chaos Legion la biografia termina con esto:

"Cuando el sol se puso y las legiones del caos cerraron la distancia, un grito de guerra se elevó desde el interior de las Torres Goblin. Lucharían hasta el último momento en defensa de su hogar."

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