[ES/EN] My packs opening history: Gladius Case

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The Pack Opening History was recently added and I wanted to share the history of the last Gladius Case that I have opened because they contain cards that are now more used due to the arrival of the Summoners Soulbound with the Conscript skill, the Are You Not Entertained? Ruleset apart from Brawls battles.

Hace poco se agregó el Pack Opening History y quise compartir el historial de los ultimas Gladius Case que he abierto por contener tarjetas que ahora son más usadas por la llegada de los Summoners Soulbound con la habilidad Conscript, la Ruleset Are You Not Entertained? aparte de las batallas Brawls.


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A Gladius Case a little better than usual to level up my rare cards,

Un Gladius Case un poco mejor de los usual para subir el nivel de mis tarjetas raras.


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Another Gladius Case a little better but where I got another copy of Captain Katie which I want to upload as quickly as possible.

Otro Gladius Case un poco mejor pero donde conseguí otra copia de Captain Katie la cual quiero subir lo más rápido posible.


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My second Legendary FINA VOXOM and the first of 2024, also an Epica I expected it to be QUORA TOWERSHEAD one of the best Gladius cards but it wasn't, even so, it's another option for Brawl or battles with Summoners with Conscript.

Mi segunda Legendaria FINA VOXOM y la primera del 2024, también una Epica esperaba que fuera QUORA TOWERSHEAD una de las mejores tarjetas Gladius pero no fue, aun así, es otra opción para Brawl o batallas con Summoners con Conscript.


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This time I opened 2 Gladius Case and got 4 rares and 6 commons, much better ratios than normal.

Esta vez abrí 2 Gladius Case y conseguí 4 raras y 6 comunes unas ratios mucho mejores de los normales.


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In this Gladius Case I got my third Legendary, my second FINA VOXOM of 2024, I would only skip another copy to level it up.

En este Gladius Case conseguí mi tercera Legendaria, mi segunda FINA VOXOM del 2024 solo me saltaría otra copia para subirla de nivel.


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Another Gladius Case with 2 rare ones including another CAPTIAN KATIE.

Otro Gladius Case con 2 raras entre ellas otra CAPTIAN KATIE.


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More Gladius Case with 2 rares.

Mas Gladius Case con 2 raras.


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A Gladius Case with the first Gold Foil of 2024 and 2 rare cards including another CAPTAIN KATIE.

Un Gladius Case con la primera Gold Foil de 2024 y 2 tarjetas raras entre ellas otra CAPTAIN KATIE.


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The Gladius Case with only 1 rare being the normal in the percentages of the packs

El Gladius Case con solo 1 rara siendo lo normal en los porcentajes de los packs


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A Gladius Case with 3 rares to compensate for the previous Gladius Case.

Un Gladius Case con 3 raras para compensar lo del anterior Gladius Case.


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While I was making this post I opened another Gladius Case where I could get the third Legendary card in this case JINI GUISE apart from another rare card.

Mientras hacia esta publicación abrí otro Gladius Case donde conseguí la tercera tarjeta Legendaria en este caso JINI GUISE aparte de otra tarjeta rara.

With these Gladius Case Packs achieved by combining the Merits earned between Focus, Season and Brawls rewards:

Con estos Packs Gladius Case conseguido combinando los Merits ganados entre recompensas Focus, Season y Brawls:

  • 3 X Legendary
  • 1 X Epics
  • 22 X Rares
  • 1 X Common GF
  • 33 X Common

Translated to DEC if I decide to convert it into DEC they would be:

Traducido a DEC si me decido a convertirla en DEC serian:

  • 1000 DEC x3 = 3000 DEC
  • 200 DEC x1 = 200 DEC
  • 40 DEC x22 = 880 DEC
  • 500 DEC x1 = 500 DEC
  • 10 DEC x33 = 330 DEC

For a total of 4210 DEC which would be approximately $4,15 for playing a few more battles in Brawls so if you are new players this is another way to start and increase your collection or if They are players without a guild, this is another incentive to look for one.

Para un total de 4210 DEC lo cual sería aproximadamente $4,15 por jugar unas cuantas batallas más en las Brawls así que si son nuevos jugadores esta es otra forma de iniciar y aumentar su colección o si son jugadores sin gremio este es otro incentivo para buscar uno.

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