Weekly Battle Challenge! Battle Dragons Theme!


In this week's battle challenge we got Effing DRAGONS! How cool is that? Eveyday I play Splinterlands, I either use or battle one of these monsters. I never miss an opportunity to play one my dragon cards when I can. Dragons are fun to use in high level mana battles. Playing one of these monsters feels like your wielding fireballs at the other team. Let's have a look at the stats, of the dragons I have used recently.



Level 1: Agor Longtail starts with 3 abilities.

First ability is Flying (Flying ability gives an increased chance of evading melee or ranged attacks from monsters who do not have the flying ability).

Second ability is Taunt (Taunt ability makes all enemy monsters target this monster if they are able to).

Third ability is Void Armor (Void Armor ability makes magic attacks hit this monsters armor before its health).

Level 3: This monster receives its final ability called Heal (Heal ability restores a portion of this monsters health each round)

Level 4: you receive a plus 1 passive upgrade stat to your magic damage.


Level 1: Chaos Dragon starts with 2 abilities.

First ability is Flying (Flying ability gives an increased chance of evading melee or ranged attacks from monsters who do not have the flying ability).

Second ability is Scattershot
(Scattershot ability makes it so this monster attacks random enemy targets).

Level 3: This monster receives another ability called Blast (Blast ability does additional damage monsters adjacent to the target monster).

Level 4: This monster receives its last ability called Blind (Blind ability makes melee and ranged enemies have a greater chance of missing their target).

After looking at the stats and abilities, how could you pass up using dragons?


Here is an example battle of how used dragons. Click the link below to see my battle. Then I will explain the positioning of my monsters.




In modern silver league I use dragons in high level mana battles. They are great because of the abilities and stats they have.

In the first slot I used Agor Longtail. This is because he has taunt, flying, and void armor ability. Combined with his high health, damage, and shield stats he makes for an excellent tank.


In the second slot I chose Chaos Dragon. Because of his high health, damage, and shield.


In the third slot I chose Time Mage. To reduce the enemy speed and spell damage.


In the fourth slot I chose Tortisian Chief. I chose this monster for his passive spell damage and average health.


In the fifth slot I chose Adelade Brightwing. I chose this monster because of the armor repair ability. As well as the spell damage she provides.


In the sixth slot I chose Magi of Chaos. i chose this monster for his passive spell damage and his average health.


With rules we were given for this battle. Which are Silenced summoners, Equalizer, and 99 mana battle.

Silenced Summoners: Provides no buffs from the chosen summoner.

Equalizer: Takes the highest monsters base health and applies it to all monsters in the battle.

With these 2 rulesets and high mana level. It helped in my decision making of which Summoners and monsters I was going to use.So I could not pass up the opportunity to use the dragon summoner and dragons in my lineup. If you watched the battle above you clearly see my strategy worked. I would definitely use this strategy again. Dragons are fun to use. Not much more I can say.


So my conclusion on Dragons is BUY them or rent them. Dont miss opportunities to use these savages beasts in your lineup. You not be disappointed.

Thank you for checking out my Weekly Battle Challenge! Have a good year and enjoy playing Splinterlands!

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