Renting For Diamond - Earth Deck




Obsidian (max lvl) -> I used to rent Lyanna, but then decided to upgrade this deck since I think magic combos better and gives more advantage during whole battle than +1 hp, even though Lyanna can be better for healings and poison/earthquakes survivings. So, if Obsidian can give few more victories I think it worths its costs anyways... Also a good card to play tourneys and brawls.

Wood Nymph (lvl 6) -> Tank heal and strenght makes this one a great card support.

Screenching Vulture (max lvl) -> I started to rent this season and I'll keep it in the deck, even though its one of the expensives, I think it makes lots of difference on low mana battles. He is fast, has opportunity and is kept alive with scavenger while doing good dmg, great deal for 3 mana.

Mushroon Seer (lvl 5) -> Gotta have Silence for magic x magic, also has poison... I like this card, normally I try to put in a safe spot.

Barking Spider (max lvl) -> I like this card, Blind is a very good ability, even more with a fast team, it also has good hp to survive from sneak attacks while doing good dmg. Has 4 speed, so can help itself to evade with blind.

Nectar Queen (max lvl) -> I think its one of the best attackers in the game, lots of hp, its fast, has flying, high dmg, retaliate and poison. A good choice for enrage rule battles, no shields or thoses you can attack from any spot.

Mycelic Morphoid (max lvl) -> Good bait with thorns, if you can use amplify together to increase the dmg can destroy the adversary formation on early game, what gives a great advantage.

Earth Elemental (lvl 4) -> I don't use much, maybe on some poison battle. Good cost for the hp, dmg and heal.

Mycelic Slipspawn (lvl 4) -> Taunt to make everyone survive in some situations while the team keep doing dmg. Force field also helps it to survive more time that otherwise would make a lot of difference on the outcome. This card can give you turn of advantage if it doesn't die fast.

Regal Perylton (lvl 3) -> Fast card, good evasion with high speed, normally I use for secondary spot on even a bait. Its a gamble lol.

Mycelic Morphoid (max lvl) -> Good tanker with the shield ability, if you are sure you are not against magic. Its good for reverse speed rule.

Centauri Mage (lvl 4) -> Return fire helps to counter decks like Yodin. Has good hp, can be a choice in specific circumstances like back to basics on only commons and rares battles.

Spirit Shaman (Max lvl) -> Also started rent this season and 'll keep it. Divine Shield make it alive time enought to trying stun the tanker, after that he can act as bait and activate redemption.

Iza The Fang (lvl 3) -> I used more before with Lyanna, normally I put in the middle so it can act as a secondary tanker after scavenger compound. Stun with sneak is some weird combo, I think is tough to predict what will be the opponent last card.

Kron The Undying (lvl 1) -> Yeah, he doesn't die, thats his name. High hp with heal while doing high magic dmg. Good card even on lvl 1 and without last stand.

Djinn Biljka (mac lvl) -> I almost have one maxed, need 5 more. I like it a lot, weaken nerfs the whole team, make a big difference on first round, has camouflage to keep it active while also doing high dmg. If its an equalizer hp rule his void acts even better and can be used as a tanker. A great deal for 3 mana.


I also have bids for Grund, but I get canceled a lot.

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