Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge - Legionnaire Alvar

Greetings, brave warriors of Splinterlands! I've been playing a lot of SplinterForge lately, battling some mighty bosses, which has given me a new perspective on my deck and card abilities, so I was very curious to try out some strategies I've been testing there, as well as some options for the Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge with the heavyweight Legionnaire Alvar.

Recently, my friend @imperator217 quit the game and delegated this legendary card to me indefinitely in Golden Foil, so I often try it with different summoners (especially the beloved Waka Spiritblade) and am very happy with the results.

Its high cost of 9 mana justifies its great attack and huge shield, backed up by Void Armour, which is great against strong Earth Mages.

In one of my recent battles I faced just such an opponent, and it turned out to be such a combat:


Byzantine Kitty

Pretty expensive dragon summoner, but the fact that it gives a nice speed boost and has the ability to heal the card on the first position makes me very happy, as well as the fact that my cards with it hit without a miss.

Legionnaire Alvar

Powerful fighter with a huge shield and good attack. Again, Void Armor makes him very good against mages.

Carnage Titan

In fact, he's one of the best melee monsters of the Dragons elemental , and his ability to attack from the second position is a huge advantage. In addition, it can be an excellent replacement for my tank if the enemy brings all its power down on it and takes it out of the battlefield quickly.

Nerissa Tridawn

Powerful mages work well against strong and well-defended enemy cards, so I chose this slow but very hardy card to boost my attack on the enemy tank.

River Hellondale

Being able to resurrect fallen warriors is a great way to surprise your opponent, and this mage with relatively low health is a great "secret weapon".

Runemancer Kye

This last position was a bit of a stretch, and I ended up going with this new mage, which can boost his health at the cost of damage dealt to his opponent. Even if I'm not doing well, he'll pump up his life points and might be my last hope.

I had a very strong opponent, and his lineup, built around a strong mage and a distracted ranged Coeurl Lurker, looked more than dangerous.

At the beginning of the second round my Legionnaire died, but he was resurrected by a mage and healed by a summoner, and I was glad that my mages had dealt significant damage to his legendary Coeurl Lurker that turn.

In the third round, Carnage Titan came in at first position, but the Legionnaire did a great job defending, so losing his first pair of cards meant that the opponent was losing a quality advantage.

In the fourth round, my Titan went after the Legionnaire, but my opponent also took heavy losses, and my Runemancer Kye pumped his health perfectly, so the outcome of the battle was clear. And by the start of the 6th round, my opponent was left with one card against my two.

It ended in Round 10, and it was a great battle! Just Watch.

Was happy to share the experience and use the Legionnaire as a human shield, so hopefully we'll see you on the battlefield again!

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