How Splinterlands Has Changed My Life

Hello Splinterlandians today I'm here to share my story of Splinterlands and how it has changed my life. This is my entry for the challenge from @clove71 How Splinterlands Has Changed Your Life? you can click that link and participate yourself.

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How It All Started

It all started with my first introduction to the game back in July when the SPS airdrop was just starting. A friend of mine @known4knowledge told me about the game and within days I was hooked. Learning all the mechanics of the game and getting to know some of the members of the community through the discord.

Everybody was super inviting answering questions and helping out new players with giveaways and tips to improve their gameplay. It was a special place that I fell in love with very quickly. After a week into the game, I started tuning into twitch to find streamers playing the game going over strategies.

It wasn't before long that I found out about the amazing streamer @clove71 and her insane giveaways. She was giving out SPS, DEC, and cards in the game as well as hosting a ton of beginner-friendly tournaments at only 1 DEC entry cost. I wasn't a good player at that time and didn't have the cards to compete as I was still a novice/bronze player but for 1 DEC you really couldn't go wrong by joining them and learning from so really good players in them.

I started watching her streams all the time becoming an active member of the twitch community and learning a lot along the way as well as winning some awesome stuff from her giveaways. She along with a few other members of the twitch community kept telling me to start streaming and bringing more Splinterlands content to the platform.

Finally, after some time I decided to jump in as I was not working and looking for something fun and exciting to start a new. I was nervous at first but after a short time the community was there for me showing up to my streams and having fun helping me learn the game.

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Where I Am Now

6 months later and I'm now almost at 1500 followers on twitch embraced by an awesome community with a lot of familiar faces each time I go live. I have grown and learned so much with these amazing people who helped guide me along the way and grow with me.

I have now gotten involved in many things on the hive blockchain from becoming an avid blogger to being engaged in a ton of different communities on here. From #Splinterlands to #RisingStar to the amazing #oneup community I have found a very special home here.

I'll be honest there are so many amazing and exciting communities here it is a bit hard to keep up with at times but I wouldn't change it for the world.



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How Has Splinterlands Changed My Life?

Well since joining I have reignited my passion for life. I was in a really sad and lonely place before finding this community and it has opened so many new doors and possibilities for me.

I have met people on here like no one in my life before, people that are truly kind and willing to help others and look forward to their success. It warmed my heart and made me feel so welcome. Not to mention the game could be life-changing from a money perspective as well I have heard countless stories from people saying this game has helped them pay their bills in these trying times. I have seen my account go up like crazy in value even though currently it is down I have complete faith in the game and feel it could really change my financial status.

It is still very hard to make ends meet currently but thankfully I have found an awesome place full of helpful people really helping me get by. Twitch still takes a lot of what I make on there but with blogging and being involved in other communities like #oneup and #risingstar I'm starting to get by and be able to cover my basic needs with this exciting opportunity.

I look forward to what the future brings for all of us here on hive and Splinterlands as well as all the other amazing projects and communities on hive. It is so vast and I feel there is a little something for everybody here.

This is a song that is very dear to me IZ was an absolutely beautiful singer and this song expresses what I feel looking to the future. One day we will all be somewhere over the rainbow hopefully free from the financial burden so many of us are facing right now. The world is in such a divided place right now and I feel like this is my happy place.

I can always come on here read a post that brightens my day and connect with so many of you. We need to stick together and support each other in any way we can with all division going on this is the last place I feel comfortable opening up with things I'm going through or what I'm excited to see in the future.

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What Is Splinterlands?


Splinterlands is a play2earn TCG (Trading Card Game) built on the Hive blockchain. Over time, you'll build up a collection of unique cards used to battle within various skill-based matches and tournaments.

The blockchain allows you to sell your assets for crypto or rent them to other players for passive income. You can also write about the game through multiple frontends connected to the Hive blockchain like PeakD, Hive.Blog and Splintertalk to earn crypto discussing the game with others or sharing informative videos/blogs.

There are so many ways to earn in this incredible blockchain game, so signup today and see what all the hype is about!


What Is The 1UP Cartel?

The 1UP-Cartel is a mix between a gaming guild like YGG (that invests into gaming assets and creates scholarships for gamers, sharing the gaming revenue), a dividend token (similar to BRO, LBI, INDEX and UTOPIS, paying out regular dividends to token holders from part of the revenue stream) as well as one of the most extensive curation service initiative on the Hive-Engine ecosystem thus far

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