Best Reward Cards To Invest In!!!!

4 Cards You Should Be Watching

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Hello everybody, today I'm here to tell you about 4 reward cards I believe you should be watching and considering picking up very soon if possible. Now, these are just my personal opinion so feel free to disagree, but I feel these 4 cards are here to stay long-term in the meta going forward. Lots has yet to be decided yet with CL just around the corner so some of the ones I didn't list here could easily move up into the meta. But for now, these are the ones I feel have had a significant impact on the game so far.

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Big Daddy Djinn Oshannus

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Well everybody's new favourite card and this comes as no surprise but this is Big daddy Djinn as I like to call him. First off what an amazing-looking card the art is awesome and when I saw this guy teased back in one of the old AMAs I knew we were gonna be in for a treat. This monster has worked himself into the meta very quickly seeing him in nearly every magic comp that he can be slotted into. He is a one-man wrecking crew dishing out tons of damage but also being able to sustain some serious blows himself.

At just level 1 he has an insane amount of HP a ridiculous 5 speed stat and 2 magic damage. When paired Alric, Bortus, or even worse Valnamor you see what this guy can dish out it is staggering how good he is. He fits so well in all the magic water comps and as you level him up he just gets even more disgusting.

At level 2 he gets phase which is such a hard ability to come by there are only a select few who have this coveted ability. Phase is the ability that lets you dodge magic attacks and with his speed up at 5 plus if you slot in a creeping ooze or monster with the slow ability he has a ton of chances to dodge magic attacks, even if he does get hit he has that void so it's not usually the end of the world for him.

At level 3 he gets the new ability forcefield preventing massive damage coming in, tbh I have not got to see this really in effect yet because I haven't level 3 as I play in silver league but I can only imagine in gold and above how vital this can be.

Overall his price reflects his value but if you are lucky enough to pull one of these guys from a chest hold on to him. And if not be looking for a good buy opportunity his price has been coming down a little bit and I have some bids out for him should it drop to a certain price. Personally, I'm looking at the 30-35$ dollar range I don't know if he will go back to the 20$ range anytime soon but if he hits 30$ I'm buying the big daddy.
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Hellacious Harklaw


Another reward legendary that I feel is an amazing investment this guy is also a beast in his own right. The successor to The Lord Of Darkness this guy is starting to make a name for himself in death and dragon comps. I have seen some nasty comps with this guy including pairing him with kitty for some insane results.

Starting at level 1 he is pretty decent with his shield ability being only 8 cost and having some pretty good stats. But level 2 when he picks up immunity is where he starts to shine more and more. Excellent in the noxious fumes ruleset and being immune to all negative status effects makes this guy a hard tank to deal with and burst down or debuff.

At level 3 he then picks up demoralize which again just turns this guy into even more of a monster. I'm really excited to see what kind of crazy summoners come out in chaos legion for death that will make this guy shine even more.

He isn't too pricey in my opinion but just like Djinn Oshannus keep an eye out for a buying opportunity for him. I have bought up a few just recently getting mine to level 2 and if he goes down in price any more to the 10$-15$ dollar range I will be buying some more up.
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Curing Crysralsmith


Oh wow now we got this gem, this has been one of my favourite new cards and probably the most used new reward card that I have. It will be replacing the divine healer for the modern format when it comes so it will be a must-have IMP for life decks going forward.

At level 1 it is a bit weak but it is currently pretty cheap to level up and I would recommend doing so before its price gets too expensive. Now that is just my opinion and these cards all may drop a little bit in value I'm no judge on markets, but I see this card being used and utilized so well I feel it will go up not down.

Level 4 to me is when it really shines and you get to see its potential, going up to 2 ranged attack 3 speed and 5 health at only 4 cost is insane value. The tank heal is really what makes this card amazing too, any type of healer that can dish out decent damage is always a good option to have in your comps and this little rat is no exception.

It gets even better at higher levels but since I'm focusing on silver atm that is all I'm worried about so level 4 is all I need currently. It does, however, pick up dispell at level 6 which is nice but again it is an ability I haven't seen used much at my league level so don't know how valuable that is.

But for silver league this card is amazing and should be on your shortlist to buy. I will be picking up a lot more of these in the very near future the price is dropping currently so keep your eyes peeled.
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Wicked Wavesmith


And last but certainly not least is everybody's most hated card I would say lol. I see a lot of people talking about how this card is op for what it does and I would tend to agree.

This is another card that at level 1 is not to op however the protection it gives to all its allies is tough to deal with. It is run alongside big daddy djinn and pairs really well with him.
The biggest difference is this card as opposed to the crystalsmith is actually quite expensive. Currently going at 6$ a pop for 1 bcx is a bit expensive.

As you start to level this card up however it starts wrecking face as well, the same thing with the crystalsmith as once you get this little rat up to levelled up to 4 it goes up to 2 magic damage 3 speed and 4 health. Another very good card for silver currently and I believe going forward.

Both Venari Crystalsmith and Venari Wavesmith are identical in stats and abilities however Crystalsmith is a lot more worth the investment at its current price. I'm looking to get the wavesmith soon and won't hold off too much longer but I would like to see a decline in price before buying them up. Ideally half of what they are currently going for so if it drops to 2$-3$ I will most definitely be buying these suckers up and getting mine to level 4.
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Final Thoughts


Overall these are just my opinions whether you agree or disagree please leave a comment telling me what you think about them. If you do disagree please let me know in the comment section why as I would love to hear others' opinions on why they don't like them or don't see value in them. This is all based on what I have seen in the current meta for silver league and the overall feedback from most of the community.

As always this should not be taken as financial advice or anything like that it is just my plan going forward on what cards I will be looking to buy that I believe will be going up. Things change and cards can go from being meta to getting outclassed with just a couple of new additions so this is all speculation until chaos legion full releases. But I feel these cards are around to stay and will only get better with the cards to be released.
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