I Hit the DEC Lottery on a Daily Quest!!!

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I don't usually post about daily rewards,
but this one is too good to not share.

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So I finish my daily quest today in the Dragon splinter and go to claim my rewards.
Click click click
What Wha whaaa?!?


Almost 13500 in DEC!!!
(I count the chicken...that's 60 all day.)

I think my biggest DEC reward in the past has been around 2k.
Being a mid level player, I'm not sure if this a common occurrence in the upper echelons of splinterlands but this blew me away!!

So what is a splinterlander to do????

Buy some Muth@!#%?ng Booster packs!

I bought 6 packs and 30 of each Alchemy/Brilliant potions.

Locked and loaded!

Here is the nitty gritty goodness from those six packs.


There were a few more rares in there but the best part is that I needed one more Cornealus to level up.


^ All of that on a daily quest! ^

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I hope you all are having as much luck as I did today. Share that Splinterlands love and as always....

Keep being Cool Splinterlanders!!

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