Djinn Group Collage And Complete Lore Explained! #splinterlands #letsmakeacollage

With managing my rentals, I am saving for DJINN BILJKA legendary GF. All though I fear about the price as it fell from 55$ to 30$. Of course, I am buying for renting to buy more. Since I am bullish on splinterlands again so why not make a collage too? This will be a nice addition to memories when I wanna look back.


I did a lot of work to remove backgrounds and position them. Here is the result and it reminds me of Ben10.


I added a THIS pixabay image in the background and splinterlands logo.

Untitled design (20).png

Let me know if you want me to make any other splinterlands group collage.

Financial Side:


Yes, after seeing this maybe you wanna cry then come let's cry together xD
I am buying to rent to buy more and in the end, I will play if the rents drop. From a 5-year investment plan point of view, it's a good opportunity to buy.

Djinn History:

Card order by number is DJINN BILJKA, DJINN OSHANNUS, DJINN RENOVA, DJINN CHWALA, DJINN MUIRAT, DJINN APPRENTICE and DJINN INFERNI. We will learn about the lore in a more story-related order.

Dawn Of The Djinn:

In the past, a war happened which lasted 1000 years. Dozens of monsters who fought in the war were taken as prisoners. It was hard to kill them, so they made other plans. The most potent prison can't be killed by any physical attack and can change forms to escape. Luckily magic discovery was made, which made it possible to capture the souls of demons of war. They trap the souls into different items of value. Some of the demons were captured in jeweled flasks, chestslamps, vases, ornate boxes, and urns. All the objects were sealed and buried underground. After a few weeks, a splintering happened and the vault broke into many pieces. Those pieces containing souls of demons of war rested for almost 900 in different locations.

The Fifth mana gate was open and it was the time to protect the mount Praetorus. The sixth and final gate was standing to stop chaos legions to conquer the world. They gathered all pieces which kept the demons of wars slaved and offer them freedom. All of them agreed. They used powerful magic to free them but bound them with one element and the demons of war can no longer shapeshift thus their name became Dijnn. They will be completely free once they save them from the destruction of chaos legions.

The Dijjn were angry because they were tricked by them but also enjoyed their limited freedom. They own the strong ancient magic but are now bound to one element. The Dijjn's will protect the sixth mana gate at any cost.

Soon Dijjn's realized the one element bond is a blessing and not a curse. Their magic was even more powerful with the single element so most of them were ready to sacrifice other elemental powers to be more powerful. Dijjn's had not found one another in because of different elements. They submitted themselves as cards in the moxian games so they can connect with each other. In the end, they will come channel together as the last line of defense to protect the sixth gate.

Some started questioning from where, Djinn Muriat came from. It has been rumored that he is a recreation by darkness and death, or he came to a rift or a dragon of darkness breathed its necrotic breath into a sacred temple. Nobody knew from where Djinn Muriat came. Djinn Muriat sits on a throne made of bones and commands hundreds of servants. Many tried to rule the throne of bones to get their hands on the treasure that lies beneath but Murjat defeated all of them. Many powerful people offered service to Murjat in exchange for a glimpse of powerful magic shared with them and thus he controlled kings, emperors, and magicians. Muriat rarely leaves his place but when he does, the ground shakes and he goes directly to his enemies' place and defeated them single-handedly. He was given nicknames “The Nightmare in Bone”, “He on the Skull Throne,” and “The Conjurer of Death”.

Djinn Apprentices were not as powerful as their kind. When the Chaos Arrived some went on their own path, some joined chaos legions while others follow the footsteps of Djinn Inferni, believing in his mission and vision.

Djinn Inferni was ancient in the fire element and second only to Lord Janai himself. He was prideful and cunning, but fiercely loyal to his master. When the rift opened and Muriat betrayed them, he took an oath to take revenge from the Chaos Legions.

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