

The ruleset for this week's challenge


  • Silenced Summoners - Summoners do not give any buffs/debuffs or grant/use abilities

The ruleset that I managed to get


  • Rulesets - Briar Patch, Born Again & Silenced Summoners
  • Mana Cap - 56
  • Active Elements - image.png image.png


Here's my starting lineup

Summoner: Thaddius Brood

  • With this weeks challenge the specific summoner type doesn't matter which matters is that the summoner is lowest mana cost possible and highest level possible
  • In my case I settled for death as I knew I had strong team there
1st Position: Djinn Muirat

  • Djinn Muirat was my main tank for this battle
  • Main reason I like Djinn Muirat here a lot is his Void Armor ability
  • Void Armor - Magic attacks hit this Unit's armor before its Health
  • Knock Out - Does double damage when attacking a Stunned enemy
2nd Position: Ulundin Overseer

  • For 11 mana Ulundin Overseer does not seem like a great pick at first but I had great plans for him
  • Ulundin Overseer was also acting like a second tank for my team
  • Flank - At the beginning of the battle, if this Unit is in the first position, the Unit in the second position gains Reach
3rd Position: Skok Duskblight

  • Skok Duskblight was my secret plan to winning this battle
  • Recently I have started to really like the Weapons Training ability
  • He just needed to buff two adjacent monsters but he also has some decent stats himself so win win on my part playing him
  • Weapons Training - Adjacent Units with no attack gain this Unit's attack, up to a maximum of 3
4th Position: Almo Cambio

  • Next up is another high hp no attack monster who can be buffed by Skok Duskblight
  • Immunity - This Unit is immune to negative status effects
5th Position: Usut

  • I love Usut so much because of the Bloodlust ability
  • I placed him second to last so he would have time to get some take downs and get buffed by Bloodlust
  • Bloodlust - Every time this Unit defeats an opponent, it gets +1 to all stats
6th Position: Ravenhood Warden

  • For last but not least is Ravenhood Warden with Protect just to make my team even more tankier
  • Even tho he is quite weak he buffs himself as well which makes him 2 armor 3 hp which I can get behind
  • Protect - All friendly units gain +2 Armor


Starting board


  • Already after seeing the starting board I was confident I would win because my enemy decided to play two melee monsters despite Briar Patch being active
  • Also I just have a gut feeling I had made really tankie team against his not high damage team
  • But anything could still happen so lets start the battle and have a look


Here's how the battle went

1st, 2nd & 3rd Round


  • First 3 rounds were quite slow but I still felt like I had taken down his most toughest monsters and in the same time give only 2 out of my 5 tank/magic monsters for exchange
  • His next monster to fall into the first position was also a ranged unit so his damage was going to drop hard but lets keep looking
4th & 5th Round


  • I was starting to fall behind on the monster count but I still had two high hp tanks left
  • Also my Usut managed to get one take down buffing him to 3 magic damage per hit
  • I only need to take down this ranged monster and the next magic monster do get to him low hp monsters after which the battle should have been over by a long shot
6th & 7th Round


  • After another two rounds all of my tank monsters where fallen and now it was 100% sure I was going to win this battle
  • And to add salt to the wound my Usut got another take down so he was now on 4 magic damage, 8 shield and 11 hp
  • Now I just needed to wait for the next 1 to 2 rounds which should take my to my victory
8th & 9th Round


  • It took me 2 round to kill my enemies last standing monsters
  • After his last monsters where taken care of I took the victory
  • Battle Replay Link



  • This battle was definitely heavily one sided but still fun to watch
  • I believe the strategy to take away from this battle is the Weapons Training and 2 high hp tanks combo
  • If you also would like to hop on the Splinterlands train feel free to use my Referral


Thanks for reading and thanks for all the upvotes, reblogs, comments and follows. And till the next challenge, KEEP BATTLING!

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