

The ruleset for this week's challenge


  • Shades of Gray - Only Neutral Units may be used in battles

The ruleset that I managed to get


  • Rulesets - Shades of Gray, Heavy Hitters & Aim True
  • Mana Cap - 23
  • Active Elements - image.png image.png image.png image.png


Here's my starting lineup

Summoner: Kelya Frendul

  • With the ruleset and element pick that I got the thought the best possible summoner I could go with is Kelya Frendul
  • I picked him because he has some amazing stats and also because I felt like my enemy would not play any magic monsters with this type of low mana cap battle so the +1 armor should be huge for my team
1st Position: Disintegrator

  • Disintegrator was my main tank for this battle
  • Main reason I like Disintegrator here a lot is his Demoralize ability
  • Demoralize - Reduces the Melee attack of all enemy Units by 1
  • Trample - When a Unit with Trample hits and kills its target with a Melee attack, it will perform another Melee attack on the next Unit on the enemy Team
2nd Position: Furious Chicken

  • Nothing really to say here other than why not play him he costs 0 mana when you have room for him of course
3rd Position: Uraeus

  • Love this card so much because of how many stats you get for low mana
  • For 3 mana you get 2 melee damage (with Sneak), 3 speed, 1 armor and 3 hp
  • Sneak - Targets the last unit on the enemy Team instead of the first unit
4th Position: Parasitic Growth

  • Next up in line is another backline hitter monster
  • Even tho you don't get as much of stats as you get with Uraeus, Parasitic Growth is still strong enough to earn a spot in my team
  • Opportunity - Units with the Opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy Unit with the lowest health
5th Position: Magi Sphinx

  • And for last but not least is Magi Sphinx
  • The idea for him was to basically be my only magic monster so my enemy could not play someone with low hp and really high armor
  • Also she was like a backline tank for my backline hitters so they could to more damage than my enemy if he decided to got with a team like my own


Starting board


  • The starting board did not really say anything other than my summoner pick was definitely a right call
  • But all my efforts to take down his backline fast was totally missed as my enemy played full front up team comp
  • But anything could still happen so lets start the battle and have a look


Here's how the battle went

1st Round


  • After 1st Round my confidence was slowly fading away
  • I was taking down his backline to slowly and his frontline was giving some big hits
  • Next round I was going to lose my tank and also my Demoralize ability with him
2nd Round


  • After 2nd Round my board was looking quite sad already and sadly I did not have any hopes left for winning as he needed to miss to many attack in a row
  • If I somehow managed to survive round 3 I was definitely done in the 4th Round
  • But anything could still happen so lets keep watching
3rd Round


  • 3rd Round was also a total disaster for me
  • I just did not have enough damage left to take down is frontline
  • Now I just needed to wait for the start of round 4 and face a Loss
4th Round


  • It took him 1 turn to to take down my last standing monster
  • After my Parasitic Growth had fallen I took the loss
  • Battle Replay Link



  • This battle was definitely far from victory
  • I believe the battle came down to me playing only backline attacking comp and my enemy playing strong frontline attacking + no damage, high hp backline which my comp could not get through in time
  • If you also would like to hop on the Splinterlands train feel free to use my Referral


Thanks for reading and thanks for all the upvotes, reblogs, comments and follows. And till the next challenge, KEEP BATTLING!

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