

The ruleset for this week's challenge


  • Lost Magic - Magic units may not be used in battle

The ruleset that I managed to get


  • Rulesets - Even Stevens, Lost Magic & Super Sneak
  • Mana Cap - 22
  • Active Elements - image.png image.png image.png image.png


Here's my starting lineup

Summoner: Thaddius Brood

  • With the ruleset that I got I didn't have any good summoners so I settled with Thaddius Brood
  • I knew the -1 magic was fully waisted but -1 hp was good enough and also my Thaddius Brood was level 4 which I really liked for this battle
1st Position: Animated Corpse

  • Animated Corpse was my main tank for this battle
  • Main reason I like Animated Corpse here a lot is his high hp
  • Also his void ability was also fully waisted but I didn't have any other tank to play here
  • Void - Reduced damage from Magic attacks by 50%
2nd Position: Shadow Snitch

  • Shadow Snitch was my secondary tank in case my Animated Corpse should fall
  • For 4 mana you get 2 melee damage (with Reach), 3 speed and 6 hp
  • Reach - Melee attack Units with Reach may attack from the second position
3rd Position: Corpse Fiend

  • Nothing really to say here other than why not play him he costs 0 mana when you have room for him of course
4th Position: Parasitic Growth

  • Another low mana cost melee monster with Opportunity
  • For 4 mana you get 2 damage (with Opportunity), 1 speed and 3 hp
  • Opportunity - Units with the Opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy Unit with the lowest health
5th Position: Ravenhood Warden

  • Next up in line is one lovely soul bound card
  • For 4 mana you get a lot of stats and the Protect ability which I really like
  • Protect - All friendly units gain +2 Armor
6th Position: Undead Archer

  • Undead Archer was somewhat my backline tank for this battle
  • Also he has amazing anti heal ability for only 2 mana
  • Affliction - When this unit hits a target, it has a 50% chance of applying Affliction on the target causing it to be unable to be healed


Starting board


  • My enemies Deeplurker was looking kinda scary but I still felt like a had better team and was going to win this battle
  • But to find out lets start the battle and have a look


Here's how the battle went

1st Round


  • 1st Round was quite good for me I managed to take down 2 enemy monsters without losing any of mine
  • But my enemy still had 3 high hp monsters left
2nd, 3rd & 4th Round


  • After 3 rounds my enemies Deeplurker finally fell
  • Now I was 100% sure I was going to win
  • Saddly I had lost a lot of damage so it was going to take some time
5th, 6th & 7th Round


  • In the Next 3 rounds we traded one for one
  • Now it was just down to the last standing monster
8th, 9th & 10th Round


  • It took me 3 rounds to kill my enemies last standing monster
  • After his Xenith Monk had fallen I took the victory
  • Battle Replay Link



  • This battle was definitely closer than I would've like but it was still fun to watch
  • I believe the battle came down to me being able to take down his Deeplurker just in time
  • If you also would like to hop on the Splinterlands train feel free to use my Referral


Thanks for reading and thanks for all the upvotes, reblogs, comments and follows. And till the next challenge, KEEP BATTLING!

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