

The ruleset for this week's challenge


  • Little League - Only units and summoners with a mana cost of 4 or less may be used

The ruleset that I managed to get


  • Rulesets - Keep Your Distance, Back to Basics & Little League
  • Mana Cap - 38
  • Active Elements - image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png


Here's my starting lineup

Summoner: Thaddius Brood

  • With the ruleset that I got I felt like decreasing my enemies magic damage was the best option
  • Also I had a great death team in mind
1st Position: Riftwing

  • Riftwing was my main tank for this battle
  • Main reason I like Riftwing here a lot is his high hp for only 4 mana
  • Sadly all abilities were off in this battle
2nd Position: Venari Bonesmith

  • Next up is Venari Bonesmith
  • For 4 mana 1 magic damage and 4 hp was decent for me as I don't have a lot high level cards with high base stats
3rd Position: Revealer

  • Another low mana cost magic monster with strong base stats
  • For 4 mana you get 2 magic damage, 2 speed and 4 hp
4th Position: Life Sapper

  • Next up in line is Life Sapper
  • Even tho you don't get a lot of hp for 3 mana you do get 2 magic damage
5th Position: Haunted Spider

  • Haunted Spider was my first ranged monster as I ran out of magic monsters
  • For 3 mana 2 ranged damage and 3 hp was decent enough for my team
6th Position: Soul Strangler

  • Soul Strangler was my last monster
  • Also for this battle and ruleset combo Soul Strangler was the perfect fit to sit in the back whole battle
  • For 3 mana 3 ranged damage is huge and the 2 hp doesn't matter because he is the last monster anyway


Starting board


  • The starting board didn't really say anything other than I had a bit more damage which hopefully be enough
  • But the only why to find out is to start the battle and have a look


Here's how the battle went

1st Round


  • After 1st Round we both managed to take down first monsters and damage second monsters to low hp
  • Now I just needed to get lucky and attack first to get a lead
2nd Round


  • After 2nd Round my board was still looking great
  • Now I was 100% sure I would win the battle as I just needed to take down only enemy monster and after that he would have 0 damage felt
  • If I manage to get lucky again and attack first next round would be the last for this battle
3rd Round


  • It took me 1 round to kill my enemies last standing monster
  • After his two final monsters had fallen I took the victory
  • Battle Replay Link



  • This battle was quite down to luck of whose attacking first but still fun to watch
  • I believe the battle came down to me having a bit more damage and being lucky enough to attack first two times it mattered
  • If you also would like to hop on the Splinterlands train feel free to use my Referral


Thanks for reading and thanks for all the upvotes, reblogs, comments and follows. And till the next challenge, KEEP BATTLING!

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