Shooting and launching FIRE - Scavo Firebolt ft. Lava Launcher


Welcome to my "Share Your Battle" post, featuring "Scavo Firebolt"
My ingame nick goes by "djrockx" and
I am a proud scholar (NA-SPL-38/NA-SPL-121) from the NFTy Arcade Guild.
This time around, because the season just started, i will share a silver league battle.

Scavo Firebolt - Cardstats


Scavo Firebolt is a low mana, ranged attacker.
He starts out with 2 attack, 2 speed and 4 health.
Scales up to 4 attack, 4 speed and 6 health.
At level 6 he picks up the "Knock-Out" ability.

In todays featured battle i play him at level 3,
where he already picked up 1 extra attack and 1 extra health.


You wanna know how the Scavo Firebolts fight for their glory. Read their Lore.



Get your Scavo Firebolt at peakmonsters.

Currently you can pick up a regular foil Scavo Firebolt for 13 cents, or a gold foil for 2,69 dollar.
If you want to max him out, regular foil, currently for 17,69 dollar.
If you want to pick up a maxed gold foil, 66,63 dollar. (12 days till end of season)

When to play and when not ?!

Considering he is a rare card, with low mana cost and ranged, we got some options.
Overall he has pretty good stats.
I will list some rulesets where he can perform.

For higher leagues: combining him with a card that can stun, you can deal devastating damage!

  1. Little League, nice because of his good stats.

  2. Rise of the Commons, obviously because he is a rare with good stats.

  3. Unprotected, gives him the option to do direct hits to the enemy health.

  4. Close Range, even if he gets to first position he can still attack, as a ranged attacker.

  5. Target Practice, depending on the manacap, he can be your 2nd snipe target or a nice damage dealer.

Little LeagueYou can only use Monsters and Summoners with 4 or less mana.
Rise of the CommonsOnly Common and Rare Monsters may be used in battles.
UnprotectedMonsters do not have any armor and do not get armor from Abilities or Summoner Buffs.
Close RangeRanged Monsters can attack from position 1.
Target PracticeAll Ranged and Magic attack Monsters have the Snipe ability.

My Battle



I was facing a "Silenced Summoners" and "Equalizer" ruleset, with a 30 manacap.
Fire, Earth, Death and Death were open to play.

My Strategy and Lineup
Card display with LevelStrategy
I picked Tarsa here because she gave me access to my higher leveled cards. And with "Silenced Summoners" in play she sadly has no more impact.
Antoid Platoon was my 1st tank pick. Making use of the "Equalizer" ruleset and his "Shield" ability.
2nd up came Lava Launcher for two reasons. Number one, as Snipe-Target and number two, as 2nd tank because of his armor. Even tho he is a ranged attacker, he wont have a problem being in first position due to his "Close Range" ability.
As backup Snipe-Target, with "Dodge", i picked Chaos Agent.
To mix up my damage source, i picked Djinn Apprentice.
Countering "Snipe" or "Sneak" with Spirit Hoarder. "Triage" would heal up my backline.
My last addition was Scavo Firebolt, another 3 speed card, with good damage.

Gameplan was set.
Versatile frontline.
Same speed cards, with mixed damage, for safe target takedowns.
Good backline sustain.

The Battle

Watch it here. Or you can read my battle-ticker.

Round 1


Silent Sha-Vi starts the round and hits Scavo Firebolt for 3. Phantom Soldier hits Antoid Platoon for 2. Lava Launcher and Scavo Firebolt hitting Chain Golems armor for 3 and Djinn Apprentice his heath for 2. Spirit Hoarder heals Scavo Firebolt and hits Chain Golem for 1, while Halfing Alchemist performs a 0 dmg hit on Antoid Platoon, but halving his damage. So Antoid Platoon wont deal any damage to Chain Golem.

Round 2


Sha-Vi again with a 3 damage hit on Scavo Firebolt and Phantom Soldier with a 2 damage hit on Antoid Platoon. Djinn Apprentice hits 2 damage on Chain Golem, Lava Launcher destroys his armor, Spirit Hoarder heals Scavo Firebolt and goes for a combined hit for 2 damage onto Chain Golem. Chain Golem dealing a revenge hit on Antoid Platoon for 2.

Round 3


Round opener Sha-Vi performs a 3 hit on Scavo Firebolt and Phantom Soldier takes down Antoid Platoon. Djinn Apprentice takes down Chain Golem. Now Sha-Vi takes a total of 6 damage, while Scavo Firebolt gets healed again. Halfing Alchemist hits 1 damage on the armor of Lava Launcher, reducing his attack to 1.

Round 4


Sha-Vi now only hit armor, 3 damage on Lava Launcher, but Phantom Soldier hits him for 2. Djinn Apprentice takes down Sha-Vi. Creeping Ooze takes 4 damage and Scavo Firebolt gets healed. Halfing Alchemist with 1 damage on Lava Launchers armor.

Round 5


Phantom Soldier now opens the round with a 2 damage hit on Lava Launcher, while Creeping Ooze gets taken out in a combo attack. Spirit Hoarder full heals Scavo Firebolt and hits 1 damage onto Undead Priest. Halfing Alchemist destroys Lava Launchers armor.

Round 6


Phantom Soldier again with 2 damage on Lava Launcher. Undead Priest takes 6 damage and Halfing Alchemist misses his attack on Lava Launcher.

Round 7-11


Lava Launcher and Chaos Agent will get taken out by Phantom Soldier. Djinn Apprentice, Spirit Hoarder and Scavo Firebolt stand strong till the end and clean up.


The set strategy worked out well.
My tanks did overall a good job.
Spirit Hoarder kept my Scavo Firebolt alive, keeping the needed damage on the field.

Would i change something?
I could've swapped Chaos Agent with Lava Launcher, so Lava Launcher would be alive longer.
But i placed like this because of the armor of Lava Launcher.

Should i get a Scavo Firebolt?

For only 13 cents per BCX, i think its a nice addition to your deck,
because this is a card you probably play a lot.
Keep in mind the upcoming reward changes.
It is a YES from me.

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Thanks for reading, see you on my next post.

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