Time Mage Battle Challenge! Tie Up Your Opponents


Time Mages are members of the Order of the Silver Shield and close associates of the Wizards' Council. They are trusted to peer through the fabric of time and reality to foretell the future or manipulate the present by slowing the flow of time. They can also speed up the aging process of armor, causing it to rust prematurely.

Hi everyone, welcome back to my Splinterlands weekly battle challenge. This week we have Time Mage as our main theme. Time Mage is an awesome life element Mage, she can slow down all enemies. lets see our battle!!

Battle Preparation

The battle that I was looking for was any battle that have Rulesets that can maximize Time Mage Slow Ability. Luckily I didn't have to spend much time to meet this ruleset:


  • Explosive Weaponry ~ All Monsters have the Blast ability.
  • 42 MANA With this amount of mana, it's imposible to build a good 6 monsters team.

There were only 2 Element options on the selection, Life or Dragons. If opponent chose Life, he would mostlikely use general sloan and rely on range attack. If my opponent chose Dragons, I could expect to meet some Dragons with Magic Attacks. So here was my simple lineup:

PositionCardAbilityPlan and Strategy
Summoner-1 range and -1 speedQuix was my perfect choice this time. -1 range was good to nullify Sloan +1 range and -1 speed would work well in conjunction with Time Mage Slow ability
Main TankFly, Magic ReflectMy favorite tank in Life Element. I favored him over Blinding Reflector for a anti mage tank
SecondStrengthenOne of the strongest mage in Life Element. 3 magic damage and 3 speed, It would be a great attack power with a blast effect
ThirdSlowOur main theme for this week. Time Mage was not strong but she would make her team performa a lot better by slowing her opponents
FourthTank HealI felt empty if I had no healers in my team. 3 speed was good enough to give some blast to enemy first
FifthDouble StrikePelacor Arbalest was one of everyone favorite from Chaos Legion pack. My friend called this one as a copy of Axemaster, although I loved to debate this because I believe Axemaster was a lot stronger
The LastFly, Close RangeThere were some other alternative option that time, but having 3 range attacks and 3 speed was my main consideration. I wanted to maximize blast effect and getting fast attacking monsters was my core strategy

I knew my selection was not the best one and there were few doubt in my selection

  1. I was not feeling secure regarding I didn't have any good meat wall with 8+ health points
  2. I kept thinking about bringing in Chaos Knight, he had good melee attack and speed too
  3. There were too many mana left unused.

My tactics mainly divided into 2 parts

First parts : Tied Opponent

Time mage and Quix The Devious would reduce 2 opponent's speed. Hopefully this would make all my team move first and killed them before they hit back

Second parts : Big Blaster

Djinn Renova and Gargoya Devil with their 3 damage would hopefully gave massive blast damage to their target surrounding.

let see how it would work

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f you want to see the battle directly, you can see it directly here:

battle time mage 1.jpg

Basically this was life vs life, regarding I didn't use any of Dragons. Seeing my opponent came led by General Sloan, I knew that I had secured my victory in this battle. Sloan couldn't win against Quix.

Round 1

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  • The game started as both party buffing and debuffing their monsters and opponent's monsters.
  • My opponent had 6 range damage, 2 magic damage and 4 melee damage. They had 12 combined damage.
  • I had 5 magic damage and 7 range damage. Same as theirs, its 12 combined damage
  • As expected, I killed their Shieldbearer and Luminous Eagle.
  • On later part of Round 1, their blast damage managed to kill my Pelacor Conjurer.

Round 2

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  • My Djinn Renova and Time Mage managed to kill their Adelade Brightwing on the first move.
  • As expected, they all got swept away without having any chance to retaliate
  • It's a game over, Easy win for me

Battle Discussion

In this battle, there are 3 points that we can take

  • First, Quix the Devious is a natural predator of General Sloan. Hardly sloan can win against Quix
  • Speed becomes super essential for Explosive Weaponry Ruleset. Both my opponent and I agree on this, he used Supply runner with +1 speed from Swiftness Ability, and I used Time Mage Slow Ability which gave -1 speed to opponents
  • When our team outspeed oppponents', I mean all of our monsters faster than them, you will beat them badly although the power gap is small. Both my opponents and I didn't have much power difference, his formation was not bad too, but because all his monsters were slower than mine, he lost badly in 2 turns
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iI like Time Mage alot, this card is one of my favorite. Time Mage is not a strong monster, her health point is small too however She will power up your team a lot by slowing down opponents. Here I list up the good points about this card:

  • She has Slow Ability and later will get Rust Ability. both are great
  • 4 mana. we can use this card on Little League Rulest (below 4 mana) and during this ruleset, Time Mage becomes one of the strongest
  • High speed makes her can steal a kill on very beginning of each turn. Adelade Brightwing has 2 magic damage too but due to her 1 speed, she rarely kills anyone and she performs more on defensive part. In term of offensive, Time Mage is more dangerous than Adelade.
  • Price wise, It's cheap. Maybe owning this card at high level is a good idea.
  • High compatibility with other summoners and other monsters.

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Thank you for visiting my weekly battle challenge, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

  • splinterlands : for holding weekly battle challenge events
  • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
  • eve66 : for wonderful divider art
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