Splinterlands Social Media Challenge: Yodin Zaku vs. Quix The Devious

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Yodin Zaku vs. Quix The Devious

At first, you will think that Yodin Zaku always beat Quix the Devious, but there are some cases that Quix The Devious can win against Yodin Zaku. Let's discuss first their abilities.

Summoner Abilities

image.pngYodin Zaku: It has the ability that all ranged monsters can receive +1 ranged attack, all monsters have +1 health, and it has the blast ability. Which take additional damage to monsters adjacent that are hit by any attacks (ranged, melee, or magic).
image.pngQuix The Devious: This summoner has only 2 stats. First, all enemy ranged monsters reduced ranged attacks by 1. Second, all enemy monsters reduced speed by 1.

In terms of abilities, Yodin Zaku is better than Quix The Devious. But just like I said you can still win against Yodin Zaku especially when the mana cap is less than 20 and your opponent still chooses Yodin Zaku. You can still win even more than a 20 mana cap just choose the best cards you think will be enough to defeat Yodin Zaku.

Battle Field Ruleset


image.pngCounterspell: All monsters have the magic reflect ability.
image.pngHealed Out: All healing abilities are removed from monsters and summoners.
image.pngHeavy Hitters: All monsters have the knock out ability.

Mana Cap: 51
Active Splinter: Fire, Life, Death, and Dragon

Battle Prediction

Since there is magic reflect in the ruleset it is clear that my opponent will use ranged or melee attacks. The mana cap is 51 which is a lot so I need to attack first and choose monsters that give a lot of damage.

My Team

image.pngQuix The Devious: I choose this summoner because I want to attack first, this summoner can reduce all my enemy speeds by 1.
image.pngCoeurl Lurker: I'm using Lv2 Coeurl Lurker, it has a taunt ability that all enemy attacks will target first until it dies. It also has dodge and phase ability which is good since I think my opponent will use ranged and melee attacks.
image.pngRuni: I choose runi incase my opponent has blast ability so the blast that will be received by runi is useless or not affected since this card has the reflection shield ability. Reflection Shield Ability is a ability that the monster will not affect by the Blast, Magic Reflect, Thorns, or Return Fire.
image.pngSand Worm: Lv7 sand Worm is still a good monster because it has 6 melee damage. Earth is not an active splinter so I think my opponent doesn't have any monsters that have Forcefield ability. So Sand Worm is good to go and the mana cap is 51.
Screenshot 2023-04-13 152510.pngDhampir Stalker: Another monster that has highly damage, this card has 5 ranged attacks and has true strike ability so all of his attacks will never miss.
image.pngLira The Dark: The Quix The Devious reduced enemy 1 speed, and by adding Lira The Dark to ensure that I will attack first. This monster gives +1 speed to all my monsters and itself have 6 speed so Lira the Dark total speed is 7.
Screenshot 2023-04-13 152615.pngSupply Runner: I add Supply Runner for the additional speed incase my opponent uses Conqueror Jacek.


Start of Battle

Round 1


  • My opponent use Yodin Zaku with Living Lava as a tank and all of the attackers is ranged monsters.
  • I have +2 speed and -1 speed for my opponent monsters. My opponent only have +2 speed. I win for the speed so I attack first.
  • Opponent Supply Runner attack didn't hit my Coeurl Lurker.
  • Sand Worm took down Ferexia General.
  • Opponent blast is useless because of the reflection shield ability of Runi but Mantoid kill Coeurl Lurker.

Round 2

Screenshot 2023-04-13 165401.png

  • Liza The Dark attack first and kill Supply Runner.
  • Living Lava is killed by Dhampir Stalker and Supply Runner.
  • Lava Launcher killed my Runi, the resurrect activate.
  • Sand Worm is down because of the blast given by the Mantoid attack to Dhampir Stalker.

Round 3


  • Lira The Dark killed Mantoid.
  • Both Runi and Dhampir Stalker are killed by Lava Launcher.

Round 4 to 5

Round 4Round 5
  • In round 4 both Lava Launcher and Countess Sinash miss attacking Lira The Dark that has 8 speed.
  • In round 5 Countess Sinash hit Lira The Dark, thanks to the Quix The Devoius that reduced -1 ranged attacks. So Lira The Dark still has 1 health left.
  • Lava Launcher attack didn't hit again the Lira The Dark.

Round 6 to 8


  • Since I have advantage in speed, Supply Runner attack first and kill Lava Launcher.
  • Countess Sinash couldn't attack in the first position so I won this match.


I'm using scholar account in this battle


The first time I saw my opponent using Yodin Zaku I click the skipped battle because I thought I will lose, but I win. My suggestion is if you think your opponent will use Yodin Zaku try to put monsters that have reflection shield. It helps a lot to reduce the damage given by the Blast Ability. In this battle, if my opponent uses Conqueror Jacek I think I might lose since Couerl Lurker taunt is useless.


Cover photo was made in canva.
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