Splinterlands Social Media Challenge: Byzantine Kitty vs. Grandmaster Rathe


Byzantine Kitty vs. Grandmaster Rathe

I fought with Byzantine Kitty, a well-known beast summoner. Let's show you their abilities and how I win this match.

Summoner Abilities

image.pngByzantine Kitty: This summoner has +2 speed to all your monsters, has True Strike and Tank Heal abilities. True Strike ability is an ability which all the attacks of your monsters cannot miss. While the Tank Heal abilities can restore's a portion of health of monsters in the first position.
image.pngGrandmaster Rathe: This summoner can give all of your monsters +1 shield. It also has Void Armor and Amplify ability. Void Armor is an ability for anti-magic, which Magic attacks hit the monster shield first before its health. Amplify ability to increase Magic Reflect, Return Fire, and Thorns damage to all monsters.

In terms of abilities, Byzantine Kitty is better than Grandmaster Rathe. But it still depends on the ruleset and monsters that you will choose to win against Byzantine Kitty.

Battle Field Ruleset

Screenshot 2023-04-22 094904.png

image.pngNoxious Fumes: All monsters start the battle Poisoned.
image.pngExplosive Weaponry: All monsters have the blast ability.
image.pngArmored Up: All monsters have 2 armor in addition to their normal armor stat.

Mana Cap: 45
Active Splinter: Water, Life, and Dragon

Battle Prediction

It is hard to predict what my opponent will use in this battle because every splinter has the tank heal monster and cleanse ability. For Water, Baakjira for the tank, and Kelp Initiate or River Nymph for cleanse. Life splinter, Uriel the Purifier or Kralus for the tank and Truthspeaker, Corsair Bosun, or Herbalist for cleanse. Dragon Splinter, Agor Longtail as a tank, and for cleanse my opponent can choose water or life splinter. So my strategy is just focus to survive the poisoned and blast damage.

My Team

image.pngGrandmaster Rathe: I choose this summoner because Life Splinter has the Adelade Brightwing which is Immune to poison.
image.pngShieldbearer: I choose this monster as my tank because it has the Taunt ability which is a good defense for the Explosive Weaponry ruleset. Taunt is an ability in which all enemy monsters target the monster until it died.
image.pngCorsair Bosun: This monster support my first position. It has Reflection Shield that will make blast damage useless. Since the monster that has a Reflection shield doesn't take damage from the blast. It is also a good supporter because of its Cleanse ability. Since there is a poison rule, this card is cleansing my tank for the Noxious Fumes ruleset.
image.pngAdelade Brightwing: Support my first position since this monster can restore some armor that has taken the most damage. Also, it has the resurrect ability. So if my first position dies it can resurrect and become immune to poison. And the important ability that I considered choosing this monster is the Immunity ability. This monster is immune to all negative effects.
image.pngPelacor Arbalest: I add this monster for the damage team. This monster has 3 ranged attacks but it also has Double Strike ability so the total damage is 6 ranged attacks.
image.pngVenari Crystalsmith: Another support monster to sustain my Shieldbearer. This monster can heal a portion's health of the monster in the first position.
image.pngDoctor Blight: I choose this monster because of its Affliction ability. Affliction is an ability that can unable a monster to heal itself and be healed by other monsters.


Start of Battle

Round 1 to 2

Round 1Round 2
  • My opponent used Byzantine Kitty with Agor Longtail in the first position that can heal itself and also has the Taunt ability to defend the Blast damage.
  • Opponent has 2 monsters with the Resurrect ability, Tide Bitter defense for the blast, and 2 monsters at the back with healing ability. The good thing is there is no monster with cleanse ability. So Doctor Blight Affliction can save me from my opponent sustaining team.
  • Both teams has the Taunt and Reflection shield abilities. So the Explosive Weaponry ruleset is not taking damage.
  • In round 2, Agor Longtail has been affected by the Doctor Blight Affliction ability.
  • Agor Longtail dies, and the first resurrect has been activated.

Round 3


  • The battle starts with poison, River Hellondale, and Merdaali Guardian has remained 2 health, so they died.
  • Enemy 2nd resurrect activate to revive River Hellondale.
  • Shieldbearer is down, my Adelade Brightwing resurrect is activated.
  • Agor Longtail has been affected again by the Affliction.

Round 4


  • The battle starts with poison and all of the resurrect ability has been used. Pelacor Arbalest, Venari Crystalsmith, and Angelic Mandarin were killed by poison.
  • Shieldbearer died
  • Doctor Blight scavage 4 health and now he has a total of 6 health.

Round 5 to 6

Round 5Round 6
  • Tide Bitter and Oshuur Constantia died by poison.
  • River Hellondale is killed by the blast coming from Adelade Brightwing magic attack.
  • Agor Longtail has been taken poison damage given by Doctor Blight.
  • Before Round 6 start, Agor Longtail is killed by poison.


Watch the battle here


My opponent choose a strong team, we both have the Taunt and Reflection shields that is a strong defense for the Blast damage. We also have the same objective which is to sustain our first position. But I think I will lose this battle if her/his team has the cleanse ability instead of choosing 2 monsters with resurrect ability. GG Proton-1987!


The cover photo was made in Canva.
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