Battle Mage Secrets: Briar Patch

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Battle Mage Secrets: Briar Patch

Briar Patch is a ruleset where all melee monsters will receive damage back when they hit their opponent monsters. Briar Patch is just like the ability of summoner Mylor. You can still use some melee monster but choose those monsters with Reflection Shield. Reflection Shield is an ability that doesn't take damage from the blasts, magic reflect, thorns, and return fire.

Top Summoners for Briar Patch: Modern Format

image.pngYodin Zaku: This summoner has the blast ability which is best since you don't want to take damage from the thorn. Since this summoner can give you additional range attack I suggest using all range monsters.
image.pngLily Shieldpaw: Most players use magic and ranged in this ruleset. Using Lily Shieldpaw your first-position monsters will take all the damage because this summoner has the camouflage ability. Choose a good tank and add monsters that will sustain your first position.
image.pngGrandmaster Rathe: If you think your opponent will use magic damage, use this summoner to counter Magic Monsters. Void Armor Ability will be useful with this ruleset plus it has the amplifying ability that can increase the thorns, magic reflect, and return fire to your opponent.
image.pngConqueror Jacek: With the Briar Patch ruleset, most players use Almo Cambio as their tank. So you don't want to hit almo cambio and kill yourself by the magic reflect or return fire. Conqueror Jacek has the Scattershot ability that can attack monsters randomly. Using this summoner the best cards are those monsters with blast abilities like Countess Sinash and Pyromancer.

Top Tank Monsters for Briar Patch: Modern Format

Almo Cambio
Wave Brood


Battle Field


26uUsAjKTsXCDw7zixZR182JbFKvgzJ9YwsFpTVcRaGCmsqhA1unTgprEeEZ5zUEEXtXisitCc8YCwg1maHmVKZLo46tX7RB5qhpB9BPv6isKistgioiUSDWoQKQp1sfa13uiSPVATvuC13qGLkptdknTKksDoL6EgKx7p.pngBriar Patch: All Monsters have the Thorns ability
image.pngLost Legendaries: Legendary Monsters may not be used in battles
image.pngUp to Eleven: All Monsters have the Amplify ability

Mana Cap: 23
Active Splinter: Water, Earth, Life, and Dragon

Battle Prediction

Water and Earth splinter are open, I think my opponent will go in Obsidian and put a Magic Damage so I need a tank that has a magic reflect. I can use Earth but I don't have the failed summoner which is good as a tank in a low mana cap. My opponent can also use Ilthain so putting a ranged monsters will be bad. Instead of predicting if my opponent will counter magic or ranged, I choose speed so I will attack first and can have a chance to win.

My Team

1st Position
2nd Position
3rd Position
4th Position
5th Position
6th Position

Quix The Devious: I aim for speed that's why I choose this summoner. It has -1 speed and -1 ranged attack to all my opponent monsters.


Chaos Agent: If my opponent is slow it has a chance to miss attacking this monster. Chaos Agent have the Dodge ability and Phase Ability that can increase the chance of evading Melee, Ranged, and Magic attacks. And if my opponent misses hitting this monster the attacker takes 2 damage.
Pelacor Conjurer: I choose this card because if my opponent chooses obsidian this card has the Magic Reflect.
Time Mage: This monster help me to reduce my opponent's speed and if my opponent uses Grandmaster Rathe it helps to reduce the armor given by the Grandmaster Rathe.
Venari Crystalsmith: Sustaining your first position can help you to win battles. That's why I choose this monster because of the healing ability.
Pelacor Arbalest: I choose this monster over the Supply Runner, I need damage to kill my opponent's tank which is these monsters have the double strike. So the total damage of Pelacor Arbalest is 6 Ranged Attacks.
Naga Assassin: Speed is matter, this monster give me +1 Speed.

Round 1


  • My opponent use Grandmaster Rathe with the Pelacor Conjurer as a tank.
  • I have Time Mage so my opponent's void armor is useless.
  • Opponent Pelacor Conjurer is down.
  • Opponent Venari Crystalsmith received backfire because he misses hitting Chaos Agent.
  • Stitch Leech received 3 Thorns, the damage is increased because of the Amplify Ruleset.

Round 2


  • Dax Paragon is down and opponent Time Mage kill herself by receiving the magic reflect.
  • Opponent Venari Crystalsmith was killed by Pelacor Arbalest.

Round 3


  • Stitch Leech miss attacking Pelacor Conjurer.
  • Both Stitch Leech and Chaos Agent are down.


I'm using scholar account in this battle

Watch the battle here

  • Like I said speed is matter, sometimes even your opponent have the magic reflect you can still win if you attack first.
  • Melee Monsters is weak in this ruleset unless it have the Reflection Shield.
  • The best monsters for this ruleset are Ranged Attacks.


Cover photo was made in canva
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