This Past Week in Splinterlands Rewards


Let's dive into some Splinterlands!

How did I do this past week? Did I make any money or was it a complete waste of time? Let's find out!

Reward Cards

Without comment, the cards I've gotten over the past seven days.

Well, that was one hell of a roller coaster, eh? An early peak with that GF Djinn Renova, then a couple days of basically nothing at only 5 cents, then a little up towards the end with some good cards.

All together, that adds up to $13.587, most of which is that GF epic.

Battle Rewards


That comes to $1.945, almost 2 bucks. No complaints there.



That adds up to $9.626, which isn't too bad. As we enter the second week of the season, that total should climb.


Adding that all up, in total we get: $25.158 for the week, almost the same but a little above last week. It's a little unusual for the first week of a season to be higher than the second week, but of course that is mostly due to the GF epic I got.

This is all, of course, just theoretical. I'm holding the cards and using the DEC to buy more cards. But if I was trying to take profit, I should be able to get around that much. The game is in a bit of a downturn right now, so I think this is the time to be compounding earnings and not taking profit. When things are booming again, I'll take a little.

Assuming an hour a day for playing and fiddling (it's less, but just to make the math easy), that comes to $3.594 per hour. Hmm.. still not enough to quit my day job... Maybe next week!

And that's all for my weekly report. If you are interested in reading my daily reports, follow my alt account @dbooster.spt, and if you are interested in trying your hand at Splinterlands, follow the link below.

Want to start playing this amazing game? Join my referral program!

  • Join Splinterlands using this link and buy the Summoner Spellbook.
  • Leave a comment about it and I will delegate you 5 great cards in the Splinter of your choice for two weeks (one season) to help get you started.

Hi there! David LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku.

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