Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! / Analysis of card unbundling and new skills.

Source: Splinterlands

The last week has been full of surprises in Splinterlands; since solutions to the funding problem were found, also the new Rebellion cards of the reward system were announced, but the most interesting thing is that there are new abilities and cards with damaging effects for the same team.

On the other hand, it has caught my attention the unbinding of cards, as they will have a cost depending on the card (BCX, power, X10). From my point of view I think it is not convenient to unbind SoulBound cards, since in some cases the cost of unbinding can be higher than the trade value of the card, but there are some cards that can have an acceptable value in the market. It is curious, since today there are legendary Chaos Legion cards with 500 power, and they have a market value of 0.43 dollars, then a legendary SoulBound card would cost 5000 DEC the unbinding, this would be 3 dollars approximately, I suppose that the value of that card in the market must be greater than the cost of unbinding, maybe 4, 5 or 6 dollars.


So I think it will be interesting to see the prices of SoulBound cards and evaluate what is more convenient, but I will try to keep my cards, as they are vital in my strategies. I think this will also be an opportunity to get cards from other players who have paid the cost to unbind, it will probably also be beneficial for DEC to have unbinding occur and re-increase token trading.

New skills.


Now we will evaluate in a simple way the abilities of the cards, that is, we will analyze the main effect and the type of use we can give it, without taking into account the rest of the rules or exceptions. The first ability is Mimic, this allows you to copy the ability of an opponent, but there is only a 25% chance of obtaining the ability, but there are also certain abilities that cannot be copied. This will be very useful, as we can counter the enemy using the same skill.

The skill, Corrupted Healing, generates that we can heal a third of the total amount of life of each of the cards of the team, but the life of the holder of the skill is reduced by -1. The third ability is Execute, this helps us to finish with the cards with low amount of life, since we can duplicate or repeat the attack, as long as the first attack has caused damage, specifically to cards that are below 2 life, I think I would have liked to have this ability in some moments when I needed to make two attacks to finish with my opponent in the last round.

Finally, Wingbreak has as a priority to generate attacks to cards with the flying ability, besides that we increase the damage to +2. The interesting thing is that this ability is not conditioned by rules or other abilities, so this ability will be effectively applied by the card that has the Wingbreak ability.



This is an innovation, since it represents a sacrifice in exchange for benefits, according to the official publication indicates that there will be cards that will have low mana cost, but with higher stats than normal.

Incendiary: It generates that the cards of the team have a 33% of probability of having damage in the life of the team, being affected in each round with -2 of life.

Electrified: This causes each team card to lose -1 life for each round. Lastly, Weary: This can cause the cards to skip the turn due to exhaustion, varying from 10% to 80%.


Courtesy of BagsBuns and Thepsilence on X.

All these cards that will be added, in addition to the skills or weaknesses, will generate that we create new strategies, we must think properly before placing a card and evaluate what is more convenient, mainly because we will have cards that will weaken our own team.


Splinterlands registration referral link

The images were captured from the Splinterlands.


I hope I have fulfilled your expectations and that you have enjoyed watching my publication.

Written in Spanish and translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


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