How to invest our Glint properly - Advantages and disadvantages.

Since the implementation of the Glint token, each user chose different strategies or specific uses to spend Glint tokens, whether cards, chests, merits, positions, titles or others. But according to my point of view, each user gives a use according to their needs in Splinterlands, even so there are strategies to improve performance or maximize our earnings.

Source: Splinterlands. Edited in Picsart.

For this reason we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the use of each of the main options offered by the Splinterlands rewards store, I will classify them in the advantages and disadvantages in the following order: Chests, Cards, Packs, Energy and others.



When we buy chests we are betting or playing with luck, it is a lottery, because we do not know what we can find in the chests, therefore, it is likely to waste our Glint, but we can also get legendary cards, epic, gold and in the best case a Jackpot.

We must also take into account the 3 levels of chests, each one offers us better benefits. The advantage of the chests is to be able to get a fantastic reward (legendary card, golden card, jackpot) for low cost, but the disadvantage is that most likely to get a common reward, so it is a blind bet, and usually makes us spend less efficiently our Glint tokens.



Buying cards is a sure way to know what awaits us, since we can choose with total freedom the category of the card we want, so we can improve the level of our cards and gather the right amount of Glint to select specifically the cards we need or adapt to the amount of Glint we have.

The advantage is having the freedom to choose our rewards, and we can even buy 10 epic or legendary cards in one click, although I think that basically there are no disadvantages, I think the only problem is that not all users acquire the right amount of Glint to access the best options on the market. Even so, this is one of the best options in the rewards store.

Merits, Packs and energy.


I should mention that I am not recommending to use these options (Merits, Packs and energy), even so it can be useful in some occasions, although some users underestimate the Merits, these are very important because we can buy Gladius packs. That way we get important legendary, epic or rare cards to improve our decks or strategies.

The energy is a way to have more battles available per day, but not only allows us to get more battles to raise the rating, it can also be a way to earn a token with a real value (SPS), since we are basically making an exchange, since we spend Glint for energy and by winning battles we get SPS, in addition to recovering part of the Glint spent.



I suggest that the goal of everyone in Splinterlands is to improve performance, for this we need to have a good strategy and also cards at high levels, so I think that choosing to invest our Glint in common and rare cards can be a great option for everyone to acquire more cards easily and increase their level, which can serve to increase the quality of our deck.

Directly I suggest that you should spend the Glint according to your needs, maybe at some point you want cards, energy or merits, but certainly the best option is to bet safely by buying cards, as we improve the quality of our deck and increase the chances of victory against users of any league or category.


Splinterlands registration referral link

The images were captured from the Splinterlands.


I hope I have fulfilled your expectations and that you have enjoyed watching my publication.

Written in Spanish and translated with (free version)


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