Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! / Shades of Gray.

This time we will talk about the Shades of Gray condition and my strategy to get a good performance. I usually use the same cards for battles that are under this condition or where only ranged attack cards are used. That is, in both cases my strategy is very similar, only with small variations.

Source: Splinterlands

The card that usually in the first position is Venari Marksrat, although it seems that it does not make sense to place at the front of the team, the goal is that this card activates its ability when it is destroyed, since in the second position I like to place Drybone Raider. It is also very useful as a summoner to Possibilus The Wise, as it can make the cards increase the life, double the number of attacks and acquire the power to attack from the second position, besides that I usually use ranged attack cards with the ability Close Range, as they can attack from the first position even if they are ranged attack cards.

Cards and strategy.

As I mentioned the summoner I selected in this battle was Possibilus The Wise, this way I would strengthen the life of my cards, and would be an important piece for Drybone Raider, remember that this neutral card is legendary and has two types of attack (Direct ⚙️ / Ranged 🏹), besides that can generate double attacks, for this reason I could make great use of the ability Trample obtained from the summoner and also the ability to attack from the second position.

But in front of Drybone Raider, I placed Chaos Agent, this card would not have any important function, it would only serve as a decoy card, in the back Venari Marksrat, as it can make Drybone Raider stronger.

In fourth position, Scavo Hireling would use his power to regenerate the team's shield, then I placed Gargoya Devil, this last card would have the function of causing damage from a distance, but if in any of the rounds he goes to the first position he could also attack, as the Close Range ability helps him to have that advantage. I also used Xenith Archer as my last attack card.

While my opponent used Thaddius Brood as a summoner, plus Ulundin Overseer, Moxian Rebel, Scavo Hireling, Uraeus, Gargoya Devil and Venari Marksrat.


Link battle

In the battle, another condition is also active: Counterspell; this last one generates the magical attacks to be returned. At the beginning of the battle, this condition allowed me to destroy enemy cards, but also the ability to attack from the second position and duplicate attacks were key to weaken the enemy.

  • During round 1, the first cards to be destroyed were on my opponent's side of the field, specifically Scavo Hireling and Moxian Rebel. While on my side of the field, Chaos Agent was destroyed.
  • In the second round, Xenith Archer and Venari Marksrat were destroyed. During the third round, I was able to cause consecutive damage to my opponent again, finally I was able to destroy Ulundin Overseer and Uraeus.

  • At the end of the last round, the pattern of attacks was repeated, as Gargoya Devil and Venari Marksrat were destroyed. In this way, my strategy was more effective to finish my opponent.


In this type of neutral card battles there can be many strategies, but the big problem is that many users do not have a great variety of cards of this element and that causes that the strategies are reduced, although they can rent cards, I have noticed that many focus more on the other elements. In my case, I do not have so many neutral cards, but I do have several with good level and legendary cards, which allow me to strengthen my performance.

As you observed in the battle, the strategy of using a card with two types of attack, in addition to being able to repeat the attacks, this caused a lot of damage, since 4 attacks were generated by Drybone Raider, in addition to the ability of the summoner, I mean Trample that allowed more attacks, also the increase of power through the ability Venari Marksrat, this was an important key to victory.


Splinterlands registration referral link

The images were captured from the Splinterlands.


I hope I have fulfilled your expectations and that you have enjoyed watching my publication.

Written in Spanish and translated with (free version)


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