Sharknado: Splintershark Battle Guide INCLUDING Giveaway, Strategy talk, 2 Battles, and more!


Card Impressions

My card profile and summary for Wave Runner is here, in this Card summary I will discuss the inspiring water card Demented Shark. If you wish to view a card profile for Wave runner click here. Without further or do, Demented Shark Card Impressions. For the other card profile click the image below

wavey gravy.png

Demented Shark is good at lvl one sporting 1 attack boosted to 2 6hp and 1 armor, it makes itself a survivable inspirer even at lvl 1. In these 2 fights demented shark boosts most of the water lineup, leading to vastly increased damage. Overall a good card at lvl 1 offering quite a lot of value despite being one of the most common cards in the game.

Strategy And Placement: Eye of the Storm

In this batte located here I happened to be using all the Splintersharks available in my lineup. All being melee attackers allowing for maximum damage output.

shark eye of the storm 1.png

In this lineup I use enchanted defender to absorb the oppportunity damage. Thanksfully most of my lineup being fast lead to the enemy lossing glass cannons rapidly (Exploding dwarf), by round 2 the enemy is left with only 2 attackers. Sharks are in the water and they smell blood, opportunity leads each shark to take a bike out of the Venari heatsmith bringing the last enemy forward... Living lava.

shark eye of the storm 2.png
Living lava puts up a monstrous fight and leaves only waverunner at 1 hp in it's final breath. A close fight indeed, with both me and my opponent utilizing cards that drew the ire of opportunistic cards.

shark eye of the storm 3.png

One of the rare fights that comes down to the last drop of hp, a hard fought victory against fire (An excellent splinter for the ruleset). However, nothing stops the Sharknado!

shark eye of the storm 4.png

Strategy And Placement: SHARKNADO!

In the battle located here EVERY character has sneak. Demented shark gives every character an additional attack aswell and Frozen soldier absorbs incoming melee damage quite effectively. Torhilo the frozen in position 1 resists the light enemy magic damage with void, armor protecting against melee.

Each unit has snare, and by chance all but 1 enemy unit has flying. Due to this and the strategic placement of the two tanks expecting magic damage in position 1 and melee damage in the backline. My units devour the enemy lineup in Sharknado style brutality! Thanks to snare being given to each unit due to the summoner's ability.

The enemy is fully defeated at the start of round 4, a decisive victory. The right summoner to summon the dreaded SHARKNADO!

Talking Tidbits

Demented shark with inspire is an excellent choice for the water splinter, and synergizers well with wave runner AND sabre shark. A good lineup for 2 fights utilizing not just one, but EVERY shark. Overall I would say Demented shark is very worthy at lvl 1 all the way to max.

SHARKNADO! Card Giveaway

Each comment in this giveaway will get a slice of !PIZZA and one random person who likes AND comments on this post will be delegated a GOLDEN demented shark for 15 days. Are you feeling lucky?
Keep Summoning and See You in the #Splinterlands

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