Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge: Favorite Strategies

This post is my entry for the Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge! organized by splinterlands.

Hello, All Splinterlands Players!

Also this week there is a best challenge held by splinterlands game. I hope I can play the best.
This week, the rule of "
Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge!" is the Favorite Strategies. You can also participate in this competition.
Today I want to share one of the ranked battles I played.

Battle Rule and mana cap

My Battle Link.


Taking Sides

Neutral Monsters may not be used in battles.


The Trample ability can trigger multiple times per attack if the trampled Monster is killed.


In this match, The Summoner uses Kelya Frendul from the water element.
Kelya Frendul adds 1 Armor and 1 Speed ​​to his monsters.


In the first place, Djinn Oshannus level 1 is used.
Djinn Oshannus 1 includes 2-Magic Attack, 5-Speed and 10-Health. Its ability is Void.

In the second place, Deeplurker monster level 3 is used.
Deeplurker monster level 3 includes 3-Melee Attack, 3-Speed and 7-Health. Its ability is Opportunity.

In the third place, Merdaali Guardian level 2 is used.
Merdaali Guardian level 2 includes 3-Speed and 3-Health. Its ability is Tank Heal.

In the Fourth place, Torrent Fiend monster level 1 is used.
Torrent Fiend monster level 1 includes 1-Melee Attack, 2-Speed and 1-Health. Torrent Fiend monster level 1 does not have the ability yet.

Battle summary

The battle rule of this game is Taking Sides and Stampede.
Due to the Taking Sides battle rule, players on both sides could not use neutral monsters.
The mana that can be used in this game is 21.
The elements that can be used are water and death.

In this game, both players used the water element.
Both sides chose the same summoner and monster.
Both sides used all the available mana.
But there was more of a monster on my side.
That's because I added a monster with no mana cost.
If that's why I won this match, it's not wrong.
As for the battle, I had to fight until round 8, and finally I won.

The strategy I use is to use a monster that does not cost mana in battles that give very little mana.
Every player should buy and use monsters that do not cost mana.
Another thing is that in matches with fewer elements that are allowed to be used, the monsters used by the enemy may be the same as the monsters you use yourself.
That's why a monster with no mana cost that can be used more than the monsters that the enemy can use is really necessary.
Since there are few elements allowed to be used in this game, both sides have the same choices.
I won because I got one more monster with no mana cost.

I wish all splinterlands game players can choose the best cards and win every battle.

All photos and screenshots are taken from splinterlands game and blog page.

If you want to play splinterlands game that will earn you money while playing games on Hive blog, you can enter and play from this Here's my referral Link.

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