Weekly Splinterlands Info - Mar 18th 2023, New Energy System, Promo cards, and update on maxing out my CL deck.

Weekly Splinterlands Info

Chaos Legion Deck

Lets start with an update on maxing out my Chaos Legion deck both main set and reward cards.

I've managed to max out all my reward cards.

Reward Cards Maxed

I'm down to a handful of Chaos Legion cards remaining minus airdrop cards, though I do have a maxed out Immortalis. Oshur is one of the card lagging behind, I'll like have to do a straight buy to get here but I have a cards up for sale that will need to sell before I can do.

Chaos Legion Main Set

I have about ~$350 in active bids left, I've used all $4k credits but I have ~$450 in card listed for sale. A good portion of the cards listed for sale came from buy max level card that were under bid then listing the cards I had been winning bids for at market price. For the most part this process I was coming out even or ahead in price.

New Promo card

We know from the townhall Splinterlands plans on doing two promo card this first one came from the DAO proposal. The details can be found here.

We know the promo card name is Vruz and TBD it will be a low mana dragon but I can't find the card Nate has shared with the states. The only thing I can find is the shop page he shared.

Promo Shop Page

New Energy System

We got a bit broad sided by this post from Splinterlands letting up know they will be changing the ECR system to an energy based system. The has been a lot of negativity around this saying the usual it will kill the game. This is exactly what the game needs, the average player can't play 24 battles in a day. Yes there are some that can play 50 - 70 battles a day mostly bots but that is the point of the energy system to bring player base more on average together.

Those who can sit on the game and play should not have any more of an advantage over other plays the same as bots who can play indefinitely. While this is a step in the right direction for the game it brings to light the need for other game modes.

Rank battle play is not supposed to be the primary game mode of any game. It's me for the best of the best to play against each other and overall should be "training" for tournaments but because it is the only game mode Splinterlands has it more the daily / grind mode. In which case most games have a limit set on the number of "dailies" you can do for rewards.

Energy System

At the time of launch you can have a maximum of 50 energy which will recharge one energy every hour or 24 a day. This means you can recharge for 2 days without losing energy. This helps players who can no play every day. When the system switched over you'll receive energy based on you ECR so if you have 100% ECR you'll receive 50 energy at 50% ECR you'll receive 25 energy.

One of the difference as we switch from ECR to energy is you will receive 100% reward shares per battle not regardless of what percentage of energy you have left.

My issue with the system is the recharge price at champion it's 500 DEC for energy point and you can buy 50 energy per day. Even without DEC at peg that is ~$20 a day or at peg $25. The while I understand the reason champion energy refresh cost more, let examine my rewards for last season.

Season 106 Summary

My rewards for the season were only around ~$50 say $75 without archmage's cut that buy a recharge for 1 days it a third of what I earned. The price far out ways the return and even from a just playing the game perspective, $25 a day to play a game is ridiculous.

In other games that have an energy based systems, the price of buy more energy increases so say the first +10 energy would be one price, then +11 - 20 energy and so on until +41 - 50 energy would be the 500 DEC. This is a case where the team is so bent on driving DEC pack to peg that everything they have been announcing is way over priced. So we effectively have to pay for their mistake.

This do bring in another interesting piece though, we've heard a lot about the battle pass while we're probably 6 months still from it coming to the game, the battle pass is the perfect play to award + energy rate refresh, or 5 - 10 bonus energy a day. This give value to the battle pass without having to reward monetary prizes. I will say if the battle pass does give out bonus energy this energy should count towards your 50 daily cap, otherwise it should give DEC or another token say DEC-B since we have it to buy the energy. DEC-B would keep it soulbound so it can't be traded without having to create a "energy token" that could be awarded to buy energy.

With this new energy system, I really am hoping the team will have cross over to the battle pass for either discounts on buying energy, energy refresh rates, or award tokens or energy daily for having the battle pass. This reward can increase as you progress through the battle pass.

Say when the battle first starts and you finally complete level 5 you get 1 energy a day either though a bonus to refresh, tokens, or awards, then every 5 level the 1 energy a day goes up by 1.


I'm excited for the energy system, I am end up stopping botting to play we'll see how it does. But I also expect the energy system to be tweaked for months or even years after it comes out.


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