Splinterlands; social media share. Exploring Stampede ability

Hello splinterlands gaming fan!
This my weekly social media challenge share. Now today going to explore STAMPEDE ability.

Likewise I always like to some Trample ability monster in most of the battle. The battle that I am going to share that is really interesting and one Trample monster destroyed to all opposition team in Born again by performing one after another.
Mostly in Rebirth ruleset we have to battle over than 10 round but it was Finished in 4th round.
It is very interesting to know that recently Chaos legion edition launched their Stampede ability summoner Possibilus The Wise from water unit. Now we can enjoy this ability from summoner, battle ruleset and with the ability of Monsters. Now I am going to provide the list of Trample ability Monsters from legendary, Epic, rare and common.


I was looking for the list of Trample ability monster then I found that the most Trample Monster belongs common Monster and after that Legendary. Most of them are from alpha beta and untamed edition. Overall there are 19 Trample ability Monster from various edition.

Common Trample monster-

I was calculating Trample Monster from common Rarity. I was surprise to see the maximum number from common Rarity. Giant Rock, Undead Rexx, Exploding Dwarf, Molten Ogre, Disintegrator, Arachne Thug, Rexxie and Silvershield Knight.
These are 19 monster that belong to common Rarity.
Out of these, three Monsters belong to fire unit, 2 Monster from death unit, 1 from Earth, 1 from Life and 1 from Neutral unit. Disintegrator and Silvershield Knight used often due to its Demoralize and Inspire ability.

Rare Trample Monsters-

The list of rare trample Monster, is in a single digit. We get only single monster Diemonshark from rare Rarity. This is a eight Mana monster from Water unit. It is known for its pretty good armor.

Epic Trample Monsters-

The Other only two monster in Epic with trample ability. Both of them are special and very useful monster.
First one is double strike Melee monster Grund from Earth unit. It is a 10 Mona monster with 10 health, 3 Melee attack and three speed. WWE get Trample ability at level 4.
Second one is War Chaang with Melee and range attack. It is a 7 mana monster. This is a neutral Monster and we get Trample ability at level 4. At this level this Monster comes with two range attack and two Melee attack with 3 speed and 8 health.

Legendary Trample Monsters

The list of legendary trample Monsters is a little large rather than Epic and rare. From legendary, we get 7 monster with Trample ability. Most of them are from alpha beta and reward edition.

Two Monsters Desert Dragon and Mighty Dricken from Dragon unit, One Sacred Unicorn from Life unit, Hydra from Neutral unit, Magnor from Fire unit, Oaken Behemoth from Earth and Frost Giant from Water unit.
Out of the seven I mostly use Sacred Unicorn. Rest of the Monsters, I do not own.



It was just 19 Mana game with Return Fire, Born again and Stampede ruleset. It always be very difficult to choose our monster in low Mana. There be much possibility to use low Mana monsters. That's why I taken chance and decided to use Sacred Unicorn, a trample ability monster. Despite Born again ruleset, this battle ended in fourth round.

Round one

First round starts with the attack of Twilight Basilisk as it was highest speed monster from both team.
Now it was turne for Igor Darkspear. These two attack came from opponent side. Return fire applied to Igor.
Now it was turn for Celestial Harpy a opportunity ability Monsters and one damage to opponent side. One more attack from opponent side by Cruel Sethropod. I lost Marksrat and Martyr applied to Sacred Unicorn. Rebirth applied to Venari Marksrat. First round and the attack of Doctor Blight from my side and two attack from opponent side. Again I lost Venari Marksrat. Again Martyr ability applied to Sacred Unicorn. Now with 7 Melee attack,11 health and 5 speed, Sacred Unicorn was going to be destructive.

Round second

Second round was very interesting and it was time for applying Stampede. First to quick attack from opponent side by Twilight Basilisk and Igor Darkspear. After that one attack from my side by Celestial Harpy and one from opponent side by Cruel Sethropod. Poison finishes to Cruel Sethropod and now it was turn for Sacred Unicorn to perform Trample. Till now it was on second position that's why couldn't taken charge.

Round third

Third round starts with the poison by Doctor Blight that destroyed Cruel Sethropod. Born Again applied and Sacred Unicorn destroyed Rebirth monster and damaged it. After that it destroyed rest of the four Monsters that were having less 5 health. Sacred Unicorn Trampled all five Monsters one by on.

Forth round

Forth round was the just repeat of third round. Forth round started with the attack of Celestial Harpy and Doctor Blight. After that it was again turn for Sacred Unicorn to utilize Stampede and totally destroyed to the opponent team.
It was a really funny moment and my opponent will be surprise to see the performance of Sacred Unicorn. Trample Monster always be useful especially in Stampede battle ruleset.
Taking these things in mind I selected Unicorn in low Mana gameplay.

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Thanks for your valuable time..
Keep On Battling
Have a nice day..

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