Morloth's Workshop on Virtual Reality

Hi everyone,

This week I'm gonna share a long post here about a 3d representation of my depiction of Morloth's Workshop.

Morloth Workshop Gif

Visit this VR Scene and check out the scene by yourself!

When I read about the new airdrop character "Carnage Titan" I saw that name again; The mad scientist Morloth and his another creation. The other one I know is the disintegrator. So I told myself how would be his workshop like? And I decided to make a 3d modelling of that workshop. My tools will be Rhino3d, 3dsMax, and Twinmotion. You can download and try all those software, they are a little bit pricey except Twinmotion.

A sketch of what I'm gonna do is crucial. But don't make the sketch your judge, feel free to change it in the process. Here's my sketch of the space:

First how big is the space? I told myself like a 1000 sqm would be fine with a 15 m height. Also, that would be good to build the Carnage Titan. I started building it in Rhinoceros 3d.

And how tall is the carnage, well I know he's a Titan but still I don't know the height. But there is a detail like that:

Night passed into morning, as he sharpened its metal fingers into deadly claws, each one as long as his forearm.

So I said let's do something like a 7 floor apartment height, nearly 20 meters. Nearly 12 times a human height.

Then I tried to model it like an old monastery or something converted into a workshop, added those details. And I split Titan's body into pieces because it's a job that you need to have different parts being produced and put them together.

Now we need a workshop with different industrial tools inside, machines, cranes etc! I found royalty free 3d things on web here and used it in the scene. Sometimes I broke down stuff like an old train to use it's parts as decoration!

I would like to share some 3d modelling tips for people may want to use Rhinoceros 3d in the future. Here is my head station. I wanted to plug some cords that connected to 2 liquid nourishment tubes so mad scientist keep the new breed brain fresh. I used BlendCrv command to connect lines from the tubes to the head, it basicaly creates the missing connection by making a curve. Than I used a tube command to make the line converted into a tube.

Another thing is that you need to have a polygon budget in 3d programs in order to use your memory good. Lets say I downladed this royalty free model here. It has thousands of polygons and when you have lots of things with thousands of polygon it begins to slow down everything.

I used the quadremesh command to limit the quad count to 250.

And we have this model here. It seems to be worse than the other model. But when I used materials, textures etc the difference will not be so much!

This is how it looks like halfway without any textures etc.

Carnage Titan Body Parts

Next is making my body parts more resemble the Carnage titan. I'm making a reddish carnage now in order to understand which parts are body and which parts are equipments, If I go other way the details get fuzzy!

I made a sketch based on the Carnage Titan illustration. I only did half of it because the body is usually mirrored.

Than I started making the body I have shaped like titan and also I'll make a basic titan shape too.

So basically I'll mix these two in order to have a more carnage body looks.

Back to the General Space

I added a wall and floor texture next. I kinda want it a mix of cyberpunk/steampunk mixed with old middle ages stuff. A little bit Frankensteinish maybe.

This is a top and side view where you can see which parts are assembled at which station.




Here is what we have in the daylight. I want it to be a night scene with neons, flashings etc.

And here is some snapshots I have taken before the final images. A little bit dark now but these are not the finals. The main image will look like that. With Twinmotion you don't really need to set any light settings like Corona, VRay etc. You just say taht's 22:00 oclock summer and done!

Some stations building Carnage Titan Parts. These parts will also be shiny but I didn't do it yet.

The bone inside a tank, because he bred the carnage from the DNA of this Bone. I need to make it a little bit more clear, and the tank seems square, I wanted that to be cylinder 😅 The green crystal is perfect!

Some tanks and machines, connections with glow details. These are also nice!

A big structure built to work on the arm details of the Carnage Titan. This is something to understand the bigness of the space.

That arm is kinda basic, more monsterish but it's something between industrial and steampunk. Still I want stuff shiny. So I may add some exhausts with smoke maybe!


Wall decorations from a train :) Drills and other big tools are used around. I actuaally liked those gold shiny metals there!

And final rendering is nearly finished. Excited! Yes, the scene is on fire :)


Ok, I added smokes, fires and all kinds of different stuff around, I might have overdone it 😅 But I like the outcome.

Also please visit this VR Scene and check out the scene by yourself! Let's see what we have:

Morloth Workshop Gif

This is the animation of the still view. This is the walking around version of the scene.

General View of the Morloth Workshop

So many works going around here.

I got my collection bone here!

That's how long his forearm is!

I wonder how he'll manage to join those parts :)

The exhaust making so much smoke, maybe the coal it's using is not that good quality!

Yeah, Mad doctors desk is sleak!

Take care and see you later,

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