How to build a 100$ Silver-Gold deck using Peakmonsters

Hey guys, today Im going to write a guide on which cards to buy in order to start earning some decent dec and climbing the ladders. I'll be using Peakmonster to buy the cards since is the best interface so far. Lets run some numbers first on our projected earnings, we will be aiming for 15k CP at least to claim the EOS, and try to buy only cards that are useful in powerful lineups even in highest leagues:


If we assume that we do our Daily quest every day, thats 61.32$ at the end of the year. Also the EOS is about 2-3$ per month, so another 30$ on top. Our ROI the first year is close to 100%, so the assets of the game needs to go -90% in order to lose our "initial investment". No financial advice, but I highly doubt that the assets will drop so much in a short and also long term scenario. Lets start:

First we want to buy the fiends, all of them

Total cost will be 25$, and our CP will be 2500. We need the fiends because if we play against same lineups in low mana, or even high mana, they will take one hit from the opponent. So if you play a 13 mana battle, with starter cards, and your opponent doesnt have any fiend, you are most likely to win since you can take "one free" extra hit. Eventually I think that they will, at least, be valued 3-4x their current value.


Next step is buying the summoners:
I will go with Thaddius and Kelya, both of them are useful in Champion lineups -mainly because I lost versus them :P- as opposed to General Sloan and Tarsa, they are cheaper, but so far they are not competitive enough as opposed to the old summoners.

So now we can either go for the gold ones -60$ in total, bringing our total CP to 3500- or go for he normal ones. Since our budget is tight, we will buy the normal ones for a total combined of 30$. Kelya is supposed to be 18.5 -5 cards in total, bringing him to level 2- and Thaddius a little cheaper, 15$.

So far we spent 55$, so now we need to fill 12500 CP with useful cards that will allow us to earn rewards in silver. We are going to aim for the rewards cards that are close to 250 CP, and we will need:


Harklaw and Oshanus as legendaries. 1000 CP for another 5$. Only 1 BCX of each.

Total CP:
3500, 60$ spent, 11500 CP to go.

Then the commons/rare/epics:


We want at least a Chwala at level 2 (4 BCX), a Renova at level 1, and a Crystalsmith. Since we are not going to use the life summoner so often, mostly we will use it when there is no another option and Renova+Crystalsmith makes the difference in a lot of battles. Same with Chwala, we are going to use him when there is no death available or water.

Then, you should fill the rest of the CP with Pelacor Bandits, Uraeus, Conjurer and Wavesmiths/Bonesmiths.
So far Bandit, Uraeus and Conjurer are highly useful in higher leagues, so you can keep using them with your summoners if you decide to improve your deck further, where as Wavesmith is extremely situational, and Bonesmith is good for the life leech/poison, but I dont recommend leveling it up over level 4.

If you follow this guide, you will have 2 core summoners, that you can start leveling up with your rewards, and you can start adding chaos legion cards to your starter cards. Keep in mind that the purpose of this guide is earning with the lowest possible investment, enjoy the game, get a grasp of it, and owning your cards.

If we start adding Chaos legion starters, such as Windeku, Deeplurker..., we would need almost double the amount since the CP/USD is low for the Chaos Legion set.

Also, if you buy all your cards at one in [], you will get a nice PKM airdrop, so is like a cashback that you can either use, in the future, for tournaments entries or just swap it to hive/sps/dec in the Hive Engine.(

You can probably reach gold at the end of the season quite easily, but since we dont have the CP, we wont be able to claim the rewards, so I strongly suggest to hold your cards, increase your CP, and enjoy the ride :)

Good luck!

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