Rebellion: My 1 Pack Opening & My Life cards wish list!

Hello everyone, This is @cantfoldaces participating in the Weekly Battle Mage Secrets Challenge, in the best #play2earn game out there!! #Splinterlands!!

And so after promising myself that I would never buy a pack again, and after witnessing many fellow splinterlands community members and pulling up some insane rewards, and since I had enough potions: I decided to buy a Rebellion Pack for 10.8 Hive :D

Before looking at my pack opponing, there are plenty of Rebellion cards that has caught my attention and of course they are expensive as hell for me to purchase them directly and I should build up slowly in order to get them

Without further Ado, let's take a look at my Pack:

Pack Opening


What an insane Luck! No only I got the bare minimum in term of Rarity ( I won't mention the hope for a Gold Foil Card) as I got 4 Commons and 1 Rare and none of them seems appealing to me :( just some cards that adds up to my collection.

On the other side, 1 Pack costs around $3.9 and I roughly got just 25% of the total value of my pack in term of these cards. Obviously, I would say like I wasted money on a pack and should've bought a useful NFT from the spinterlands Marketplace.

Interesting Life Cards

I don't know why, but Life seems to have a pretty strong and awesome monsters (& summoner) that can be in a great use for my Silver battle, and the Meta seems to be shifting to these Rebellions Monsters slowly but surely!

First up, we have the Summoner: Avina The Wolf

As might see, specifically for the new Rebellion Summoners, you can choose one of these 2 Ability to provide to any monster at choice.
Since Life Element is know as a Defensive Element being full of Support Monsters, a Heal is more than welcome! but generally providing it the Tank/Taunt Monster to garantee its survival the longest time possible!
2+ Speed can be used in stationary situations (ex: an army of Sneak monsters in low mana battle). Personnally, Heal was always my Go-to

Speaking of Tank/Taunt monster: I can't be passing by Bera Dallin

Do you remember how annoying shieldbearer is? This is a much more annoying Taunt!

  • Armoured Strike: launches its attack using its Armor: A 6 Melee Attack is expected in addition to the base 2 Melee Attack! A sturdy yet heavy damaging Taunt!
  • Shield at level 2 Makes it an Unbreakable Forteress reducing all the Melee/Ranged upcoming damage by Half
  • Bonus: Heal provided by Avina The Wolf to self sustain its own Health!
  • Weakness: Giant Killer that is rarely used in Silver and generally offset by Shield & Magic Damage if faced with a team full of mages!

Here is an example of the Avina + Bera Dallin combo in a Silver Battle that took longer than 7 Rounds to finish so I won't go into details.


It's basically a battle of Sustain between Uriel The Purifier & Bera Dallin with Bera slowly getting to upper hand despite facing a multitude of Magic attackers from the Enemy team.
That self heal was crucial in many situations and saved its life a couple of times
=> Triple Heal + Repair : Invincible Bera

This card is great, not because of the Void Armor that makes it Tanky to all sort of damage, similar to the Soulbound monster Imperial Knight. But mostly for its new ability Flank

Flank doesn't make me lose on the ability of my secondary / or better, my main tank, to attack from the main position! For this case we can put both Bera Dallin & Uriel the Purifier on the second position for example:

Another honorable mention would be the awesome Jared Scar, mainly used ONLY in Equal Opportunity and Super Sneak
With this setup, we can idiolize on this monster's insane kit: Bloodlust + True True to surprise the opponent with an unexpected attack! As an example, facing an evasive Pelacor Conjurer. And it only gets better when it gets Piercing ability in Gold:

That's it for my wish list, I hope you enjoyed reading till now and feel free to let me know if there are some interesting combos regarding the Life Team (or others!)

Good luck Have Fun on your Splinterlands Battles!

Make sure to take part in the Weekly battle Mage Secret here

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