Battle Mage Secrets: No Place for Healers

Silver First Quest(8).jpg

Hello dear splinterlands community, I hope y'all having a wonderful Day 😁 and welcome to another Cantfoldaces's Hive Blog for this weekly battle challenge! This week's challenge is rather simple, another limiter rulesets that puts a halt to all kind of healing: Healed Out

Healed Out

  • ALL Healing abilities are removed from Monsters & Summoners
  • These Abilities Heal / Tank Heal / Triage are banned from this battle

This kind of rulesets affect some types of playstyles especially the Defensive ones, naming the Taunt + Support Army or a heavy tank with a bunch of healers etc... which leads to the following considerations to take out:

  • Armor is even more important since it's the only way to reduce the upcoming damage (Melee / Ranged)
    • Protect + Repair
  • Magic Damage is favoured since it directly affect Health that can't be restored.
  • Void Armor increasing utility when taking into account the last couple statements

This leads to some monsters to move from A Tier to D Tier and Vice Versa

Into The Battle!

I will be bringing a Wild Silver league rank battle, with the following rulesets:


  • A mid Mana battle with 4 Elements Available leading to a variety of Monsters choice
  • Briar Patch using a Melee Monster puts you at a disadvantage
  • Healed Out Our Main Theme

So I had decided to go for this lineup:

Since it's more likely that enemy will choose either Magic or Ranged, Void would be key and since we mentionned earlier how important Armor is, let's shatter it
MartyrA sacrifical Pawn to buff all of our next Monsters Stats:
TauntWill Attract 99% of enemy attacks, becoming even tankier with the Void and would buy lots of time for my other monsters to deal Damage!
SilenceWhat's better than halving the upcoming Magic Damage with Void: Reducing it with Silence! And making them deal ZERO damage to my team! (if only left with 1 Magic Damage)
SnipeSince we are expecting Ranged & Magic, why won't Snipe these weak elements standing on the backline with Heavy 3 Ranged Damage
Sneakwith 3 Mana left, decided to put this monsters to deal some damage for a couple of rounds or take on an unexpected Sneak attack


Pre-Battle Buffs & Debuffs

Round 1


What an over-whelming Level difference, facing an almost maxed Silver Deck:

  • Enemy Total Damage output: 6 Melee + 2 Ranged + 5 Magic = 13 Total
  • My Team Damage Output: 1 Melee + 3 Ranged + 4 Magic = 8 total

Despite the difference, that battle started amazingly well:

  • Silence did come in handy by reducing Banshee (won't deal any damage) and Ctluhlu (only 1 Magic damage)
  • Both Melee suffered Thorns Damage
  • Hunter Jarx ONE-SHOT Snipe the Spider
  • I guess the enemy team was expecting a Sneak Damage team according to my battles history

Round 2


  • Animated Corpse et Spineback Wold didn't last long because of the Thorns + My Magic Damage
  • Banshee damage was rended useless with Void + Silence
  • Hunter JArx now sniping the High Health Ctluhlu
  • Thorns Damage for too much for Uraeus to survive another round!

Round 3


Now all the Damage is redirected to Ctluhlu leaving it with a measily 4 Health and slowly our Victory is approching:

Round 4


Always happy with the Spoil of War: 0.34 SPS + 5700 RP


Level Diff Doesn't equal victory

Despite the level difference, my opponent didn't fully respect the ruleset by using a Melee Debuff Summoner + 3 Melee Monsters that suffered a great deal of Damage from Briar Patch
His team was well balanced but playing a hard-nerf magic Team did pay off greatly!

Considering a perfect Defense

  • IF I had a higher level Ilthain, I would gladly put Pelacor Conjurer in the front with Magic Reflect + Return Fire
  • Iziar would be interesting but not as good since it needs Triage, unless you got a level 3 Iziar
  • Immortalis + Centauri Mage would be a great combination in this battle too!

Thank you for reading till now and Good luck Have Fun on your Splinterlands Battles!

Make sure to take part in the Weekly battle Mage Secret here

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