My Day is Saved by Another Generous Hiver

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I had a planned direction for today's post and changed my thought process after having my fortune for the day turned around by @h3m4n7. Read on for the full high to low and back to high tale of my daily quest

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So the thumbnail above highlights the Fire splinter and here I am starting with Water. Bear with me, the day was saved by my buddy Djinn Apprentice, but let me start at the beginning.

I have been trying to get more battles in with the water splinter after renting some cards I have been eyeing. I was excited to wake up this morning and see a Water Quest. Good start, what could go wrong?

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At first, nothing. I was flying high, getting a better feel for some new cards, enjoying a solid win rate and was off to not just a good start, but a great start. I quickly completed the quest and was ready for the exciting part, opening the reward chests. I clicked the claim reward button and the day took a turn for the worst.

A card, but 🤷‍♂

Okay, I'm being a bit dramatic, I added some CP to my collection, which is always welcome, and I will need potions eventually to open some packs, but not what I was hoping for. My great start had turned to eh.

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This is where the giveaway turned my luck around. I took a break from battling and switched over to PeakD. I noticed I had a notification waiting for me and saw that I was mentioned in a giveaway post. I was fully expecting to merely see my name mentioned as an entrant, but was shocked when I saw this.

I have entered at least 50 giveaways since I started playing Splinterlands about three months ago and until a couple days ago I had never won anything. Five days ago I won 14 DEC guessing @relf87 season ending chest contents and today I won a Djinn Apprentice! My day was saved.


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Who doesn't love gifts? This was the emotional boost I needed to get back to battling. Plus Djinn fits in well with my favorite Chaos summoner Tarsa.

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🔥 Level 1
🔮 Two Magic Damage
🏃 2 Speed
❤️ 4 Health


Djinn Apprentices prefer to study under more powerful djinn to hone their magic. While not as strong or cunning as others of their kin, they are just as dangerous to untrained warriors.

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𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙶𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙺𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝙶𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐

I enjoy playing Splinterlands, but it is the entire ecosystem of apps and community built beside it that make me love the game. Having a bad day playing? Maybe you can win some giveaways, or go vent about it in a post and gain some of your favorite tokens. Or take a break and learn something new.

Dive into crypto related posts at Leo Finance. Learn more about all the tokens and curation possibilities at the 1UP zone. Maybe you're having a bad day and need some new strategies; browse Splitertalk and it shouldn't take long to find some great strategy suggestions. Take a complete break and browse the non Splinterlands communities PeakD has to offer. You can find beautiful photos to rediscover your zen, new recipes to cook or any other topic you can think of.

I for one intend to keep learning more and more about Splinterlands, but appreciate the fact that there are all these additional communities and resources to pull back when I need a break.

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Card images from Splinterlands
Banner created by me using Canva

Thanks for reading!

If you would like to use my affiliate link to experience the fun Splinterlands has to offer, here you go. Thanks in advance!

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