Taking a Flier on this Deer Mage - Using Regal Peryton in Battle!

This week's Share Your Battle challenge features Regal Peryton! Regal Peryton is a card that sees plenty of play in my lineups for ranked and tournament matches, and I was glad to get the opportunity to showcase it in a battle. I have to admit that despite using it often I never really took a close look at the artwork, so I was surprised to see that the card I had been using this whole time was, in fact, a flying deer - how exciting!

Regal Peryton is a solid magic attacker with much more durability than you might expect from your typical mage. At level 1, for the reasonable cost of 5 mana you get a sky-high 5 speed and 6 health, to go along with the Flying ability. This means that Regal Peryton is a tough monster to hit, and even when it does get hit it can usually afford to take an attack or three. On the downside, it only attacks for a single magic damage. But its other stats make it an excellent hybrid tank and magic attacker, and that Flying ability turns out to be particularly useful in today's battle.

If you wanted to jump right to the action, the Battle Link is right here. Want to hear some more about the lineup? Read on further!


Here was the ruleset for our battle. It is a medium mana cap battle with the Fog of War and Earthquake ruleset. The Earthquake rule is extra important here, as any monsters without Flying will be taking 2 damage per turn. Couple that with the low-ish mana cap and any monsters without flying are likely to go down quickly.

I was debating for a bit whether to use the Earth or Life splinters for this battle, since both of those splinters have great Flying monsters. I ended up going with Earth for this battle because the cards I happened to have available at the time were a bit tankier. Mylor is a solid Earth summoner - most lineups will have a melee attacker or two, and with Thorns on my whole team and melee monsters would be taking heavy damage every time they attacked.

I went with an unconventional frontline for this fight. Fungus Fiend and Mycelic Morphoid are both cheap "filler" cards which are more often used in the middle or back of a team as distractions or shields. However, in this fight I knew that they were not going to survive for long thanks to Earthquake. So I stuck them in at the front in an attempt to soak up a hit or two and dish out some Thorns damage before they bit the dust.

The real bulk of my team was positioned in the third and fourth positions. Nectar Queen is an amazing melee attacker and would sit in the middle of the lineup until the time was right. Our guest star of the week, Regal Peryton, would be able to attack right from the start to start doing some magic damage. Both of these monsters would be immune to Earthquake damage thanks to their Flying ability, so my gameplan was for the battle to last as long as possible in order for Earthquake to knock out the enemy monsters while mine were unscathed.

I was just about out of mana at this point, but I rounded out my team with Acid Shooter. Acid Shooter cost just two mana, and with 3 health he could survive a hit from Earthquake while attacking with a small amount of ranged damage. Nothing game-changing here, but every bit helps!


With the lineup set, it's off into battle! When I see the selected teams I am hopeful - my opponent has opted to bring a team in which appears to be surprisingly vulnerable to Earthquake. While they did bring in two Fliers, one of them had no attacks at all, and the other one was a melee monster which would only be able to attack once before dying to Thorns damage. The Pelacor Arbalest looked like it could hit awfully hard, so the real trick would be for my team to last long enough for the Arbalest to die to Earthquake.

round 1.png

In the first round of battle everything is looking great. My frontline monsters go down, but I was already counting on them falling in the first round. Along the way one of my opponent's fliers dies to Thorns and the other is left on a single point of health. It is looking like this is going to be a quick battle!

round 2.png

It only took one more round for the battle to be decided. My opponent's low health monsters die to a combination of Earthquake and attacks from my team and by the start of round 3 all that remains on my opponent's side of the field are two monsters with 1 health remaining. As a reminder, Earthquake damage shows up as being applied at the start of the round, so these monsters are already dead. Victory! And again, if you wanted to see the whole battle for yourself, you can see it right here.

round 3.png

My strategy for this battle worked out perfectly. My sacrificial monsters stalled for a bit of time, and when they were gone my monsters with Flying were able to step in and seal the victory. Regal Peryton was great in this battle as an Earthquake-immune flier dishing out magic damage. Regal Peryton was already one of my favorite Earth splinter cards even before this week's challenge, and it will continue to see plenty of play from me in the future.


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All images used in this article are open source and obtained from Pixabay or Unsplash. Thumbnails borrowed with permission from the Splinterlands team or made in Canva.

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