Nobody Expects the In-Quix-ition - Using the Dragon Splinter in Battle!

This week's Share Your Battle challenge features cards from the Dragon splinter! I don't own a dragon summoner of my own and usually just use the starter summoner if I need one, but this week's challenge was a great opportunity to splurge a bit and rent out something a little more fun. I enjoy using Quix the Devious, and decided to make it the centerpiece of my strategy for this week's challenge.

Quix is a great all-around summoner. For 4 mana you get to debuff the opposing team's ranged damage, as well as slow them down by 1 speed which is almost always a great help to your team. While you'll ideal use Quix when your opponent brings a lot of ranged damage into battle, that speed debuff ensures that you'll get at least a little bit of a benefit regardless. On top of the stat debuffs, Quix is a legendary summoner. While that means that Quix costs a bit more to obtain, it also means that you can use higher level monsters with it, even if you have a base 1 BCX Quix.

If you wanted to jump right to the action, the Battle Link is right here. Want to hear some more about the lineup? Read on further!


Here was the ruleset for the battle. This was a good set of rules for my Quix strategy because it was a ruleset which encouraged the use of ranged monsters. The combination of the Fog of War ruleset and the lack of splinters which had plenty of magic damage means that it is likely that both players will be at least thinking about bringing some ranged damage in order to dish out as much damage as possible.

As mentioned at the start of the article, our guest star of the week is Quix the Devious! This guy is able to bring double debuffs, potentially lowering both speed and ranged damage. My hope is that I'll be able to hit most of my opponent's lineup with both of those debuffs. Thanks to Quix's Legendary rarity I'll be able to make use of some of my levelled up cards in this battle as well, which is a great bonus. Oh, and he's fun too - look at him hanging down from the top of the frame!

I started my team with the beefiest tanks I had available. I used Cursed Windeku and Bone Golem as my tank and secondary tank. Cursed Windeku has a ton of health, as well as Thorns to try and deal a bit of counter damage to any enemy melee monsters. Bone Golem doesn't have quite as much health, but does have some shields to compensate for it, as well as the Void ability just in case my opponent brings some magic damage.

The middle of my lineup had an important support unit in Disintegrator. Disintegrator would debuff my opponent's melee damage. This meant that between Quix and Disintegrator, it was likely that my opponent's entire lineup would be pulling their punches. This would also help Cursed Windeku to stay alive for a little longer at the front and get off more Thorns hits. Gargoya Devil started off the ranged damage portion of my lineup, and could stand in the front and attack if it really had to (though I didn't want that to happen if I had the choice!)

I finished off my lineup with as much ranged damage as I could fit in. Supply Runner has a respectable 2 ranged damage, as well as an excellent 4 speed stat. Dhampir Stalker hits hard with 3 ranged damage - the highest ranged damage out of my lineup. I was hoping that at the back they could stay alive for as long as possible with dealing heavy damage to my opponent's lineup.


With the lineup set, it's off into battle! When I see the selected teams I feel pretty good about my chances. My opponent and I have brought similar lineups, with a relatively even split between melee tanks and ranged damage. The huge difference being that I had brought debuffs for ranges AND melee damage, while my opponent did not. This meant that while out teams had roughly similar amounts of bulk, mine should be theoretically hitting much harder. And I have a speed advantage from Quix on top of that!

round 1.png

In the first round of battle things go about the way I expect - thanks to my monsters dealing more damage than my opponent's weakened lineup, I am able to knock out two of my opponent's monsters - both Elven Defender and Bone Golem go down, and while my Cursed Windeku also dies, I have still have plenty of bulk at the front. Things are looking fairly good for me!

round 3.png

It only took two more rounds to close out this battle - my monsters dealing their full damage were able to make quick work of my opponent's monsters dealing reduced damage, and it wasn't particularly close. You can see here that by the start of round 5 my team was poised to finish off the lone Mantoid remaining on the other side of the board. And again, if you wanted to see the whole battle for yourself, you can see it right here.

round 5.png

While I wasn't able to fit any other Dragon splinter cards into this battle, the single one that I did use carried the entire team - my Quix-centric strategy worked to perfection. I was able to make my opponent's team hit softer and slower, while my monsters were able to go to work on the enemy lineup. Quix worked out very well here, debuffing the ranged damage half of my opponent's lineup and shifting the speed math in my favor. I am a big fan of Quix and the dragon splinter, and will make ample use of them whenever I have a copy at my disposal!


Thank you so much for reading all the way to the end. Interested in seeing some more of my writing in the future? Be sure to give me a follow! In the meantime, if you'd like to see some of my recent posts:

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All images used in this article are open source and obtained from Pixabay or Unsplash. Thumbnails borrowed with permission from the Splinterlands team or made in Canva.

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