The Perfect Odd Ones Out Splinterlands Strategy

The Perfect Odd Ones Out Splinterlands Strategy.jpg

Greetings Splinter fans!

I don't know about you but I used to hate the Odd Ones Out - ruleset and in some ways I still do especially if they happen to be low-mana battles. It was frustrating to find out I could not use my favorite monsters and was forced to choose substitutes I knew I would lose with.

However, I have recently developed a perfect, almost unbeatable, formation for higher mana Odd Ones Out battles. The minimum mana cap needs to be 44 so I can fit all the guys in. If this requirement is met, my team has it all. Let's take a look!


Here it is, my carefully planned line-up where each unit has an important role in either supporting others or causing massive damage to the enemy back-line.


The key figure here is my tank unit - THANALORIAN SCION. Even though she has only two health points, she also has a massive amount of armor (11) which all opponent units will have to go through because of her Void Armor.

Thanalorian Scion.png

Having such a low level of health can also be an advantage. As Thanalorian Scion is the unit with the least health points on my team, the opponent Opportunity monsters will also target her leaving my other monster alone.

That is exactly what I want.

You see, I'm planning on keeping my Scion alive as long as possible to the extent of driving my opponent crazy. Therefore I have brought two important support units to make that reality.

  • SWAMP SPITTER is a ranged unit with the Repair ability. Unless his own armor hasn't taken as much damage as Scions, he will repair her armor and perhaps make the Scion live another round.

  • In the case of the enemy being too strong and even repair ability wasn't enough, I have brought RIVER HELLONDALE to bring Scion back to life using his Resurrect ability. This is great since Scion will return with her full armor and my opponent will have to start withering down her armor all over again.

Here's the thing. Now that Thanalorian Scion has come back to life we can assume some of the enemy units have deceased during that time and won't cause any harm to her anymore. Now that there are fewer nasties, the Swamp Spitters Repair ability should be enough to keep her alive during the rest of the battle.

Swamp Spitter.png


First things first. I am going to use Opportunity units to start cutting down opponent monsters starting from the most vulnerable ones. To make the most out of that plan, I need to remove their armor.

This is why I have brought NOA THE JUST. He will use the Rust ability to reduce enemy armor by 2 points.

Noa The Just.png

Next to Noa, I've placed the powerful KULU MASTERMIND who has a melee attack of 4. With the already-mentioned Opportunity ability, Kulu will most certainly take out the weakest link right at the start. Besides all this, Kulu Mastermind also has the Weapons Training ability that will provide Noa The Just with a 3-point melee attack. This should come in handy if Scion should die(for the second time).

Kulu Mastermind.png

Last but not least I have ISGALT VORST on my team. With her Opportunity and Bloodlust abilities, she is the real threat. Also targeting the weaklings, after each successful kill she will grow stronger, and if every unit before her should fall, the enemy would then have to face a fast and powerful killing machine.


Well, just like so many of my battles, this one didn't go exactly as planned. You can check it out yourself with this link to the battle or/and continue reading my battle report.

Even though Noa managed to remove most of their armor, annoyingly, Swamp Spitter still had one left. Being the enemy unit with the least health points(together with Pelacor Bandit), my Opportunity units started targeting him. This meant that the Spitter managed to repair his own armor before the next strike.


Meanwhile, their Pelacor Bandit was targeting my Swamp Spitter. Gladly my magic monsters were also able to reduce their tank unit's health. This meant that the Kulu Mastermind now had another target...

However, opponent Pelacor Bandit proved to be a significant threat and managed to sneak out and destroy both Swamp Spitter and Isgalt Vorst.


With the help of their Swamp Spitter, the fast and annoying little bastard, Pelacor Bandit was able to get past the Scion and even dodge the attack of Kulu Mastermind.


However, now the lonely Pelacor Bandit was up against the well-protected Noa The Just who had been taught the art of melee fighting.

The game was over as Noa delivered the final blow.


I'm actually quite proud of this strategy since I have developed it myself through trial and error with many games played.

Perhaps the biggest threat to this line-up is the Shatter ability as it will smash the whole armor of Thanaloria Scion and will do the same in the next round when she is resurrected.

I have also used certain variations of this strategy in lower mana battles. For example, Swamp Spitter can be replaced with a cheaper Scavo Hireling. Also, we can Kulu Mastermind out. This is sometimes a good decision since it will give Isgalt Vorst more chances to grow through Bloodlust.

There you have it! Hope this gave you some inspiration and ideas.

Thank you for reading and don't forget to leave a comment! 🙂👍

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