Counter Thorns Ability of DJINN CHWALA with White Team

My Team: $15.25 (08/11/2021)

Opponent Team: $173.98 this is because he/she is using gold foil Drake of Arnak, if he use regular Drake of Arnak the cost of this team will be $64.23 (08/11/2021)

Mana Cap: 25

Rules Set: Heavy Hitter

Team allowed to play: Fire, Life, Death & Dragon

First of all I found that my opponent might be using DJINN CHWALA from his previous battles history (he use 3/5 matches). So to counter this I will need to have either longer life / amor. Thorns will hit armor first is the attacker armor, that is when I decided to put 2 healer (Venari Crystal Smith $1.1 dated 08/11/2021 & Divine Healer $0). In order to make sure Djinn Chwala didn't hurt my Shieldbearer, I will have to replanish his armor using Amorsmith.

Because Shieldbearer Taunt ability, I am safe to put any low mana long range attacker at the back because all attacker will only attack Shieldbearer when ever they could including monster with sneak & opportunity ability.

To me VENARI CRYSTALSMITH is a must have for life team because of her ability to heal and attack on each round.

Here is the link of the battles, hope my sharing will can somehow give you an idea on your monster selection during battles.

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