Community Engagement Challenge - Advice to New Players

Hi Splinterfans, this post is for new players in the spirit of community engagement.

Playing Splinterlands, or rather learning to play Splinterlands is not easy. When I first started playing, I had no idea what was happening on the screen and I didn’t have a clue what to do.


The first thing I did was to start watching Youtube content creators but I found that they always spoke about more advanced strategies and used maxed level cards. So it took a while, but it was a good way to get to know different cards and pick up general hints and tips. I also asked a lot of silly questions in the comments sections and that helped a lot.

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This image belongs to Bulldog. Shout-out to you bro, I learned a lot from you!


One of the first pieces of advice I got from Youtubers was to use This is a great website which shows you all the abilities monsters have, all the different rulesets and tons of other things. Leaning the different abilities is paramount to getting better at ranked battles and developing strategies.

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The best way to learn the game is to get your fingers dirty: play ranked battles, lose a lot and slowly climb the ranks. For that I kept a logbook. I wrote down my winning battles for each splinter for about 3 months when I first started playing. I copied the winning lineups from my opponents and this way I began to notice winning cards and winning combinations. For example, I always lost against Doctor Blight, so I began renting him and putting him in my teams. I also learned that using summoners like Mylor Crowling was the best way to get out of bronze league (which most Youtubers swore by, so I followed suit).


When new stuff happens, like new cards coming out, the Splinterlands team posts about it and learning new stuff sooner than later keeps you up there with the best of them. Reading posts like Social Media Challenge and Battle Mage Secrets Challenge from other players also teaches you new stuff. Basically, being in touch with the community is important for your gameplay development.

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My personal best piece of advice altogether is being in love with your cards and building your deck. I spent hours on end looking at cards, studying what they do, thinking of combinations and developing my own winning strategies. Cards that I invest a lot of DEC in are the cards I use most. That being said, I chose and still choose carefully whether a new card fits into my deck and suits my gameplay. There are cards out there that are not very useful or cost too much. I make sure I look at cards carefully before I buy them. Some cards are also not fully maxed out because sometimes the last ability it gains is not worth my while. This way I always have more DEC to spend on monsters that I want to level up.

So here you go Splinterlands newbies. There is a lot of other useful advice and information but this is what spontaneously came to my mind to write this post. Last of all: be patient, stay with it and believe in the game. Seeya next time!



Splinterlands is an autobattle digital card game on the Hive blockchain. The playing cards are NFTs, therefore they belong to you and you can trade, transfer or delegate them as you please. All you need to move cards and other ingame assets around is a Hive Keychain login. There are three types of battles you can play: ranked battles, brawls and tournaments. Every battle you win brings rewards, including SPS and/or loot chests containing cards, potions, packs and merits. The ingame currency is DEC and the governance token is SPS. For gladiator packs you need to earn merits through brawls and loot chests. Tournaments can bring you stacks of SPS if you play well. There are several third party card markets, including and the best places to learn to play are PeakD and YouTube.


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