Weekend Report : Beta Cards Take Case To Relations Commission Over Age Discrimination



A gaggle of Splinterlands alpha/ beta cards have took it upon themselves to appeal to the Labour Relations Commission in the EU to take a class action against Splinterlands over blatant ageism in the work place. Pirate Captain , Flesh Golem ,Lyanna Natura , Haunted Spirit & Kiara Lightbringer have all put their splinter allegiances to one side to make the case for the aging Splinterland's massif , who without them this game would not have existed. After some recent changes in the game such as giving more rewards to play modern format which excludes the golden oldies and also banning bots from modern, the alpha / beta card prices are dropping like an hawk that has spotted a field mouse. The wild format is waning as everybody is playing modern. The alpha/ beta gang have taken umbrage to this. They built the foundations of Splinterlands and they are feeling that they are being put out to pasture by the new game dynamics. Splinterlands literally have put these cards to pasture by giving more rewards for alpha /beta to farm the new Land that was launched so any deniability will be hard for the corporation.

"It's a pile of shit really" states Haunted Spirit. "Myself and my nemesis Flesh Golem used to run the show but now they are bringing out stronger , better and more physical monsters with more abilities and the heal power we have is not the be all and end all anymore. We have lost our grip on the game and feel like we are being sidelined. We are rarely called on anymore due to our relatively low health compared to the modern cards and I feel we have been screwed over and sold a kipper."

Lyanna Natura also was keen to speak.

"in my day +1 health ability to each card was enough to get her picked the most for her Earth Splinter. Now we have goblins doling out poison and not only that but have an option of a +2 attack. How do you compete with this??"

" Yaarrrr There comes a point where we believe we are unfairly being pushed aside and this concerns us" claimed Pirate Captain who initiated proceedings against the company.

Back in the good old days of only alpha and beta , prices rose sky high and users were lucky enough to get their hands on beta cards. During the last bull run these beta cards could cost anything between $50 and $20,0000.

"They got too big for their boots" claimed a Splinterlands player.
"They were ruling the roost demanding this and demanding that, like cocks of the walk going around"
"Those at head quarters got together and said to each other that change was needed and in comes the Untamed with Llama , Kron, the cat and Zodin. "They put them in their place fairly lively" "The problem was we made the solution to the beta cards too strong so then we had to go off and find a cure for these unbeatable cards so everything got stronger leaving the alpha and beta cards licking their wounds.

"Serves them right as well" claims a player who has maxed out Chaos Legion for a princely sum of $500. "Those cards were too dam expensive. I get the last laugh watching their prices plummet."
"They started the game and we salute them but they are past it now and deserve to spend the rest of their days on the land."

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We spoke to a lawyer about the situation and the alpha and beta cards indeed have a legitimate claim and could end up winning this ground breaking case. "It actually is blatant ageism" claimed the lawyer. "Every court in the country would side with these cards. "The alpha / beta cards are asking for an upgrade which we think is achievable. A +2 on health here , a +1 on speed there. Give a couple the ambush ability and they are back in business." claimed the lawyer. "It is easily achievable."

With the launch of the Riftwatchers and the untamed being now pushed into the wild , more cards are joining this class action against Splinterlands as they feel the ground is being taken from under them. "We had an owner that played us non stop for years " claimed dynamic due Llama & Kron the Undying. Now some gorilla and a girl called Quora have muscled in and stolen our thunder. We demand this cease immediately so we can get back to our unusually high win %.

"The untamed being sent to wild was the equivalent of Judge Dredd being banished from Mega City 1" "All the baddies were waiting for them outside the gates. The ones that the untamed condemned to a life sentence which they launch a couple of years ago. Now the hunters had become the hunted again and they were been fed to the lions. It's tough out here with these Alpha / Beta's claimed Yodin Zaku. We killed them off and now we have to live and fight beside them. Not ideal. We have our own class action going to to rejoin modern as we are not that old.

It has yet to be known when the date for the hearing is with the beta cards but rumours are surfacing that there may be a deal about to be made. This has also created some what of a rift between the beta cards it is rumoured that the squeaky wheels will get the oil. Pirate Captain , Flesh Golem ,Lyanna Natura , Haunted Spirit and Kiara Lightbringer are all said to be getting an upgrade but the rest of the beta cards are not. So it's a melting pot at the moment. An absolute trainwreck. The sooner this gets sorted the better.

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