Everyone must read this post. You all will NOT believe this story....

I don't know if everyone has been following my story so far, so I will tell it again really quick...I am new to Splinterlands. Of course, I am not very good. I spend a lot of time renting cards and getting absolutely wrecked in Bronze-level fiascos. I'm not saying I don't enjoy the game, I am definitely addicted. I got a taste of winning 4 weeks ago, by renting the sickest card ever Yodin Zaku.

I instantly fell in love. I mean I know it has a lot of effects on the battle just by laying the card down, but man oh man I was doing it! I felt alive! The wind was whipping through my hair, food had a taste again, and it's like I was finally thrown a life-raft in a tsunami. What a great ride I had.

Then it happened. I misclicked a rental and overpaid. I felt stupid and ashamed.

After that, I put a lot of time into Splinterlands. I bought foil cards, I bought different splinters, and it just wasn't the same. I missed Yodin Zaku. So much.

So this was it, am I really going to buy a $600 card after a month of playing? Do I even know what the hell I am doing?

The answer is obviously no, I have absolutely no idea.

I hit the blogs, discord, I made it my mission, to find out how to get a dropped Yodin Zaku. Of course, if people knew everyone would have one right?

So I hear about this UNTAMED token. You can buy it on hive-engine and it represents 1 UNTAMED pack in Splinterlands, and you can transfer it to your account and open the pack! This was awesome news! Was this how people were getting my boy Yodin Zaku? Should I buy these packs, without thinking? ARGGGGHHH YES YES BUY BUY. Long story short I bought 10 UNTAMED pack tokens.

So there I was...staring at 10 UNTAMED token packs that I paid entirely too much money for. Should I have bought an ALPHA pack or a BETA pack? Doesn't ALPHA and BETA mean it's the first packs? Does that mean they are better, and more importantly is this how you get Yodin Zaku? Did I just mess up by buying 10 UNTAMED packs? Are these the wrong packs? What the hell is a gladius pack, orb, dice? Now I know I'm screwed.

So I fought with myself, for days staring at the tokens, kicking myself for paying so much money. Here I was about to sell them all back to the exchange so I could recoup and save for ALPHA and BETA packs. I was defeated. Then I talked to one of my best friends. He said I should stop being a wuss, and just open them. So without thinking, I bought my legendary potions, I bought my gold potions and I jumped in... The water was freaking freezing.

1 pack, 2 packs, 3 packs down I haven't even got a foil card yet. I was getting worried, I didn't know what else to do. I kept going. I won't show you the card packs because they were literally starter cards that you get when you first signup for Splinterlands.

I had 2 packs left... my God... and you would not freaking believe...







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My voice is still shaky, my hands are still sweaty, and I haven't even played a ranked match. I can't stop screaming. Splinterlands truly is the king of kings.

Dear Splinterlands, Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I will not sell this card, I will not rent this card. I will always remember this day. The day I won big when I never win at all. Never lose hope friends!

If you made it this far, thanks for reading my story, leave me a comment! Thanks!

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