Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge - The Focal Point Using This Strategy.

Holla Splinters

How's it going? This week, I decided to try out the spinterlands community engagement challenge, instead of the social media challenge.

I decided to participate this week because of the theme which is your favorite strategy and that is exactly what I am going to talk about.

Let's get down to business shall we?


The ruleset given is quite common. "scattershot". So basically, all monsters have the scattershot ability which states that range and magic attacks hit a random enemy target.

I am not really concerned about the ruleset though, I am more or less concerned about the formation of my opponent and my team

The mana cost was 29 and from the view of things it seems my opponent and I planned everything by choosing the same Water splinter.

Lets see how that turns out....

My Monsters

Summoner/ MonsterAbilities
Keyla Frendul+1 speed +1Armor
Merdaali GuardianTank Healer
Moxian RebelMonsters Training
Scavo HirlingRepair
Sultry BarmaidAmbush
Xenith Archer

My Opponents

Summoner/ Monster
Keyla Frendul
Tide Biter
Djinn Oshannus
Argarux Magus
Merdaali Guardian


Watch full battle on splinterlands

ROUND 1: Ambush!!!!

My formation was quite tedious, tactic but tedious and I chose this particular strategy for a reason. One, is to show you how powerful the summoner Keyla Frendul is and two, is to show the best combination of cards that goes well in the water Splinter.

For sure, how it works is using a monster who posses the monster training ability.

Round 1 was all crowded filled with blows from every corner, while Diemonshark vz Diemonshark was digging it, Sultry already laid an ambush even before the battle began.

However, dispite all odds, Dijjin Oshanus was the first to take down Xenith from my team.

Round 3_____4

You see Moxian Rebel in between Merdaali And Scavo, she is probably there becus of the weapons training ability she posses which automotically gives Merdaali and Scavo with no ability 1 magic attack each.

Unfortunately, Argarux took Moxian down right in the middle of round 3. I was loving her vibes and attack though, but lets see if she can be repalced.

So we also both got Merdalli guardian in our team. But here's the catch, my opponent merdaali does not have any attack, practically that's the real one. Mine however has one magic attack and you want to know why? I would say go ask Moxian Rebel.

My team took down my opponents tank healer, while mine remained intact and does two job both as an attacker and healer.

Round 7___9

Well, my tank healer was gone in round 6 but here is where things got intense, we both lack tank healers but Scavo plays a role here. Since he has the repair ability, it basically buys me some time to repair the monster armor that has taken the most damage which was Diemonshark my tanker.

Dijjin Oshanus was the last man standing in my opponents team, what saved me at this point is scavo and his repair ability

Focal Strategy Point.

One thing about Splinterlands is using the right formation. It's no different from a football match having different formations.

The most important deck or card that is used for this particular formation is Kelya Frendul, Moxian Rebel, Scavo chemist and Merdaali Guadian. One way or the other, you can decide or not to add either Merdaali or Scavo in the team since both of them posses similar abilities.

Now, this formation can shine in an average mana cost say from 20-29, and can also work better in any ruleset that doesn't restrict monsters from Using their abilities. The aim and trick, is to make sure the essential monsters listed above is place in that formation, any other monsters choosen can act as backup.


Title Theme created in Canva by me, with the image from Splinterlands

characters and screenshot taken in splinterlands While i was playing the game with my iphone

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Original content by the author.

Resources: App: Canva / Splinterland


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