Splinterlands-Social Media Challenge-"Small But Mighty" Rebellion Reward Card Reveled

The rebellion reward card is finally out, and the cards all stack are flowing in as splinters are opening their purchase packs.

What I love about the card is the view, thousands of cards have been revealed by the ambassadors and more are still being opened by splinters.

I saw a card I admire @aftersound X page. He revealed this card called Hafling Refugee. One thing I like about this card is the fact that its mana cost is low.

Obviously I haven't tried using it yet, and I know you must be thinking since it has a mana cost therefore he won't be powerful enough for battles.

Well you might be surprised what you'll live through, in most battles I've been given a low mana cost of maybe 12 in total to play, and the problem practically is always “I don't have a good mana cost card in my collection to go with. And I end up choosing one whose stats is just as low as its ability.

One thing I love about this card and would love him in my collection is the fact that despite his low mana cost of 1 his life span is extremely accommodating, 8 health precisely isn't such a bad idea, and let's not forget the speed and attack, would you also look at that level.

It's almost as if the mana cost doesn't matter anymore when going for battles, but a card having a really good speed and attack will tell you otherwise.

The speed and attack of any card is one of the game points during battle. With a speed of 3 it shows he will attack at a much higher level compared to cards with even 10 mana cost having a speed of maybe 2 or 1, and with an attack of 5 Oh boy! it means just an attack being thrown can get his enemy killed.

Speaking of abilities, This card has one of the new abilities being introduced called “debilitations.”

Debilitations damage or inflict negative status effects on allies instead of enemies. Cards with Debilitations generally have higher stats for their mana cost; you'll have to decide if the drawback is worth it, if the drawback is worth the extra punch they pack.

Well I guess that explains this card high stats,

3 debilitations were introduced and the “Weary” is one of them, it works more or less this way; Each round, Weary units have a 10% chance to become Exhausted. This chance increases by 10% every round, up to a maximum of 80%. Exhausted units skip their turn and cannot Retaliate.

So if you are going to use this Card in a low mana cost battle have it in mind that the ability it possesses, which is the Weary ability, can act as a hindrance on the attack and speed it has..

I find this card funny though because; It practically has two abilities the healing and the weary ability, which means all hope ain't lost yet, despite the fact the weary ability has a negative effect on his stats and allies the healing ability however can subsidize whatever exhaustion the weary ability causes.

Oh well I still would love to have it in my collection though for one reason only, “Because of its low mana cost,” and it seems to be a very tricky little card too.


Title Theme created in Canva by me, with the image from @aftersound X page.

characters and screenshot taken in splinterlands While i was playing the game with my iphone

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Original content by the author.

Resources: App: Canva / Splinterland


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