Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Elias Max Pruitt The Wraithblight

Holla splinters

Hope ya'll having a splendid week? So I saw a card on the battle field recently that caught my attention. Actually, what really caught my attention was being smoked by this card, it kinda makes me wanna know what it is made up of


The intriguing part about summoners is that they make up the game, no summoner, no team and no team no battle. That's just how summoners work.

Summoners tells you what team to choose, the number of team that practically works well with the mana cost given.

I just cant explain it all but to cut the long story short, summoners are just like generals on the battlefield which the person, an army recieves command from.

Elias Max's story is one that I find motivation from. It makes one realize that no matter the situation of things, you just gotta pick youself up and fight. It shows to always use your problems as stepping stones, rather than seeing them as obstacles, only then will you move forward.

For a cunning con man such as Max, luck must be insane to run against him, ending up as a wraithblight sure doesnt really give him faith at all.

Elias Max Pruitt

Men would you look at those stats? Actually, Max can be use for both the dragon and water splinter. So apparently, you can use this summoner either in the dragon splinter or water splinter. Either which, I think just going with the flow matters.

Max has a mana cost of 7, on an average and posses 4 abilities which can be shared among his team. Actually, I find it quite spooky having Both positive and negative abilities at the same time.


Let's start with the basics shall we, Max gives two stats to all friendly monsters, +1 Melee and +armor

So if you are going for max as a summoner, you should probably choose both monsters in your team having just melee attack and posses armor. Monster's without an armor or a different attack aside from melee won't benefit from max.

Lets talk about abilities

I was thinking this will benefit all monsters but I'm wrong, it can only benefit one monster in a team, and you can choose which monster gets the Repair and cleanse ability from Summoner Max.

On a second thought, having the piercing and armored strike instead wouldnt be a bad idea would it?

Well, seeing the fact that Max already distributed +1 melee to each friendly monsters, picking the piercing and armored strike ability won't make sense at all except maybe you've got a motive.

How to get this card

Well for a fact, good things doesn't come easy or does it?
There are two ways to get this card. Either buy it and own permanently, or rent it for some couple of days, weeks or months.

MAx goes for just $20 which might be quite expensive, but seeing the things he distributes, it might be worth it in the long run.

Of course, if you're willing to add it to your collection, then paying for it wouldn't cost much

Alternatively, if you cant afford to buy it, you can just rent it anyways which I find very affordable too. With 1.73 dec, you can get Max for just a day. Isn't that something?



Title Theme created in Canva by me, with the image from Splinterlands

characters and screenshot taken in splinterlands While i was playing the game with my iphone

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Original content by the author.

Resources: App: Canva / Splinterland


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