Unlocking the Magic in Splinterlands Battles: Tips for Defense and Attack

Hello Splinterlands players, how are you? I hope you are doing well and your week and season are going well. There are a few days left for the season to end and a lot of interesting battles are happening this time I am just playing in Modern from my Scholar account and I am playing in Wild from my account. Playing in Modern is a different experience because the battles there are very dangerous but I am getting to learn a lot, I am getting to know new things and people are coming up with very interesting strategies. I used to perform a little better in Wild but here it seems that I still have a lot to learn and I am having a lot of fun not only that, I am getting to learn new things, I am getting a chance to learn new strategies and new techniques and I hope that if you also play in Modern, then you too must be having the same experience. By the way, Splinterlands is such a detailed topic that if you start exploring each topic specifically, then perhaps your topics will never end and if you read interesting topics, then you can join the community page of Splinterlands, where you will find a lot of interesting battles topics and you will also get to learn a lot by reading them.

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Well, there is a lot to share here but today I would like to talk about a specific thing which is Magic Attack or you can say about Magic Today I will tell you about Magic Defense and its benefits. I hope that it will prove to be very helpful for you or your battles. Although everyone is very intelligent and they must have found out all these things through rule sets and other things, still I would like to share my knowledge here. I hope that it will be beneficial for you. I think that there will probably be cards like Magic cards which are used the most in Splinterlands and people use them because their use is a lot more fun and this battle makes it much more interesting. Yes, you cannot use them every time. It all depends on which rule set is being used. If you can use Magic cards, then you must do it because it proves to be very helpful in every battle.

Well, playing battles with magic cards is liked by all because it is so much fun and I think that if you also like to play this game then you must like using magic cards a lot because there are a lot of advantages to using magic cards, yes there are advantages of using other kinds of cards but if you get a chance then you must be using magic cards, I often do this and I enjoy playing with magic cards a lot, today I want to share some knowledge with you, though everyone who plays the game might be told about it still I am sharing my knowledge with you, I hope that it will prove helpful for you, thank you.

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Magic card can be used (should be xd.) in these rulesets :

ImageAbility/Ruleset NameDescription
image.pngArmored UpAll units get a +2 armor buff at the beginning of the game.
image.pngBriar PatchAll units receive the Thorns ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that use melee attacks receive damage back.
image.pngWands OutOnly units with magic attacks may be used.
image.pngStandardNo modification to the standard gameplay rules and mechanics.

Magic card can't be used (shouldn't be xd.) in these rulesets :

ImageAbility/Ruleset NameDescription
image.pngCounterspellAll units receive the Magic Reflect ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that attack with magic receive damage back.
image.pngLost MagicMagic units may not be used in battle.
image.pngWeak MagicMagic hits armor first before hitting health.

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Well, whenever we play any battle, we get to learn something or the other. If you keep winning again and again, then you get bored or the better your strategy is, the more you keep winning, but sometimes we have to strike a new strategy and try new things, sometimes they are successful, sometimes not. So, if you want to enter the game and want to keep learning something new, then keep doing battles and keep discovering new things. Yes, sometimes things don't go according to your wishes, but this doesn't happen every time. Whenever you lose, you are learning something or the other. Even though you are losing, you are preparing yourself for the next time and you learn something new and important from each battle. I am sharing with you some p related to Magic. I hope that this will help you in doing a magic attack next time and you will also get to learn something new.

Battle link one
Battle Link two
Battle Link Three

Today I am sharing with you three battles which are played with magic cards and I hope you will like it and you will get to learn something new. Although nowadays I am trying to play more and more battle games. It is getting difficult to do this all the time because there are many other tasks, but still, I try to play battles and learn something new. I hope that today you have got to learn something new and do share your opinion. I wait for your feedback and it feels very good when someone comments on the post and encourages you. In such a situation, you feel like doing something better and better every time and in such a situation you perform even better. Next time, that's all for today. I will meet you in the next post. Till then keep battling, keep earning and keep learning.

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see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

All the Images are Made Via Canva unless otherwise noted.

Translated via Google Translator, The content is original.

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Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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