End of season fantastic Champion battles

One of my best Twitter accounts is Splinterlands. It keeps me informed about all the important news in the ecosystem and #Hive posting events like a media challenge. In my opinion, those challenges are an incredible way of increasing the pride of being part of this community, as every player shares his/her game experience with others, allowing others to learn about everyone's successes and mistakes. For this one, I bring a couple of fantastic battles played in Champion. Hope you like it!


The thrilling season of battles in Splinterlands has come to a close, and what a ride it has been! Over 14 intense days, I embarked on a journey filled with strategic duels, unexpected twists, and relentless determination. As the dust settles, I find myself standing on the cusp of greatness, having achieved a rank tantalizingly close to Champion 2 tier league. In this post, I'm excited to share my experiences, victories, and lessons learned from this season, offering two battle reports that will provide valuable tactical insights for players of all levels.

Join me as I recount my exploits, reflect on the challenges faced, and delve into the intricacies of the battles that brought me to the brink of Champions. Whether you're a seasoned Splinterlands veteran or just starting your journey, I hope these insights will prove invaluable in your quest for dominance in this mesmerizing digital realm. So, without further ado, let's dive into the action and uncover the strategies that propelled me toward the upper echelons of Splinterlands competition.

In both of these epic encounters, a shared factor that undeniably tipped the scales in my favor was the remarkable performance of my maxed-out reward cards, the formidable Musa Saline and the enigmatic Jared Scar. These two cards, which I've painstakingly nurtured and perfected through dedicated investments of my time and attention, emerged as the true game-changers.

Musa Saline, the unexpected Queen of low mana battles

Musa Saline, a truly remarkable 3-mana magical creature in my Splinterlands arsenal, has consistently proven to be a formidable asset in my strategic battles. Her versatile toolkit is nothing short of astounding, making her a master of surprises on the battlefield. Musa Saline boasts a trio of game-changing abilities that have turned the tide in my favor countless times. Her strengths as shown in the following picture:



First and foremost, her Shatter ability becomes a weapon of choice for dismantling even the most stubborn armor, buying precious time for my other units to seize the upper hand. Being her main attack magical, shatter doubles the effect of attacks, lowering health at the same time that all the enemy armor is destroyed.


Then, her Scavenge prowess has granted her unexpected resilience, often catching opponents off guard. The lower the mana cap is in combat, the stronger Scavenge gets. If well placed, Musa can become tanky as long as the combat advances.


And last but not least, her Dispel ability works like a charm, effortlessly erasing the menace of Bloodlust-afflicted enemy creatures, leaving them powerless in the face of her magical prowess. With all the recent changes in combat dynamics, Martyr creatures, and bloodlust this ability brings unexpected happiness to your side. Also, remember that all buffs get erased.
Musa Saline is undeniably a force to be reckoned with, and her talents exemplify the depth and strategic richness that make Splinterlands a truly captivating gaming experience.

A little less conversation a little bit more action!

I faced a low mana combat with a 15 mana cap, divine shield, and opportunity for all units. I faced one of the greatest headaches of this kind of combat, Mylor, and the board looked as follows:


In one memorable battle that truly showcased Musa Saline's prowess, the low mana cap of the combat and the opportunity ability for all creatures played pivotal roles in her exceptional performance. I carefully strategized, placing the formidable Chaos Agent at the forefront, establishing him as the undisputed champion of 1-mana creatures in the entire Splinterlands realm. To complement Chaos Agent's role, I strategically positioned a couple of Opportunity distractors upfront, a move aimed at triggering Musa Saline's Scavenge ability to perfection.

As the skirmish unfolded, it became evident that Musa was rapidly becoming an unassailable tank, her defenses bolstered by the Scavenge mechanic's unexpected survival prowess. My opponents were left floundering, struggling to penetrate the formidable armor I had erected around Musa. The battle reached its crescendo when Igor Darkspear and Xenith Archer, both strategically positioned, swooped in to deliver the decisive blows. Musa Saline's durability and well-executed tactics allowed my team to secure a resounding victory, cementing her reputation as a true force to be reckoned with in the ever-evolving world of Splinterlands, and what's more important, offering my roster another army composition to surprise my opponents. I leave you the entire battle here.

Iziar and Jared wombo combo

In the dynamic world of Splinterlands strategy, where battles are won and lost with every move, certain combinations of creatures transcend the ordinary and become legendary. Among these, the partnership of Jared Scar and Iziar stands as a shining example of synergy, devastation, and unwavering resilience. When these two formidable beings take the field together, they create a "wombo combo" that strikes fear into the hearts of opponents and exemplifies the true essence of strategic mastery. Their strengths are shown in the following picture:



Iziar's taunt ability is a game-changing asset in Splinterlands battles, diverting enemy attacks toward her and acting as a strategic shield. This control over the battlefield not only protects her but also safeguards more vulnerable support units that aid in her taunting mission. These support abilities, such as triage and blind, complement her role seamlessly.


Jared Scar's True Strike ability is not only a guarantee of unmatched accuracy but also a direct counter to evasive strategies, such as those employed by an enraged Coerl Lurker. Additionally, his Piercing ability ensures that his attacks penetrate enemy armor, leaving no room for damage to be lost in the heat of battle. These combined attributes make Jared Scar an exceptionally reliable and formidable melee attacker, capable of delivering precise and devastating blows while bypassing the defenses of even the most heavily armored opponents.


On the battlefield, the roles are clear: Iziar takes on the role of absorbing damage and holding the line, while Jared Scar unleashes devastating attacks. As Jared Scar deals damage and his adversaries fall one by one, his Blood Lust intensifies with each casualty he produces. And should the unthinkable happen, if Iziar falls in battle, her Martyr ability is triggered, ensuring that her sacrifice does not go in vain. This intricate dance of abilities and teamwork between Iziar and Jared Scar creates a dynamic and powerful synergy that defines their formidable presence on the Splinterlands battlefield.

A little less conversation a little bit more action! v2

I faced a high mana combat with a 45 mana cap, health equalizer, knockout, and enrage. I've faced lots of coerl Lurkers in this composition, making him a headache to hit. That's why I thought these battle rulesets would fit my womb combo. The Board Looked as follows:


In a battle with a limited 45 mana cap and unique abilities like Life Equalizer, Enrage, and Knock Out affecting all creatures, I employed a carefully thought-out strategy. I positioned my dynamic wombo combo, Jared Scar and Iziar, at the forefront, where they showcased their effective synergy. They were supported by a team of skilled creatures, including Djinn Renova, who skillfully healed Iziar and dealt magical damage, Adelade, who provided resurrection and armor repair, and Spirit Hoarder, who added strategic blinding and a second triage layer.

Notably, Venari Crystalsmith played a crucial role, delivering timely healing interventions that saved Jared Scar from near defeat not once, but twice during the heat of battle. This well-coordinated approach allowed us to adapt and thrive in the challenging battlefield conditions, ultimately emerging victorious and exemplifying the essence of Splinterlands strategy.

Finally, this strategy proved to be a great counter to Coerl Lurker's front. I leave you the entire battle here.


Hive - Splinterlands is a great ecosystem to grow in the Crypto world, we are in the best community and we play a game with a solid project and a great future. The only thing we've got to do is believe in the project and fight hard in the arena! Thanks for reading and feel free to share your thoughts.

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